Chapter 62

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Jimin sat quietly, not touching his food. He sipped his wine slowly, spacing out a bit. He didn't understand why he felt unsettled, his eyebrows frowning a bit.

Paying the bill, Jimin and Seulgi left the restaurant. Holding Jimin's hand, Seulgi looked up at him hopefully. "It's been years since I've been home... How about we go for a stroll?" She asked.

Jimin looked at her, shaking his head. "Let's go another day. You just got discharged, you need a good rest."

Once again he used her health as an excuse, but Seulgi couldn't find a reason to reject him. Nodding back sadly, they returned to the car.

Taehyung chose an apartment that was located in high class residential area. The place was isolated and quiet. The moment she entered the apartment, she smiled. "Jimin, I really like it here."

Jimin put down her suitcase, and smiled. "It's good that you like it."

The apartment was maintained and tidied by a caretaker Jimin had hired. It was fully furnished, and all the appliances had already been installed. Seulgi didn't need to take care of anything.

Jimin went over to the kitchen counter to pour himself a cup of water when suddenly a pair of arms circled his waist, hugging him tightly.

Seulgi's buried her face into Jimin's muscular back, leaning into him. "Jimin, can you stay here tonight?" She said sweetly.

Jimin placed the empty cup back down on the counter, sighing. Turning around, he peeled her arms off him, putting his hands on her shoulders and lightly pushing her away. "I thought I told you already, you need to rest tonight." He frowned slightly.

"How can I rest well if you don't stay here?" Seulgi's voice sounded a bit sad. "In the past when we were abroad, I slept in your embrace every night. Now I don't request you to stay with me every night, so can you just stay tonight?" She pleaded.

She wanted Jimin to stay. She didn't want to let him go home and stay with Y/N.

Jimin stared at her calmly. "I still have some matters to handle tonight."

"What kind of matters?"

"Seulgi." His tone was very cold. "Since when have you shown interest in my matters?" He glared at her slightly.

Seulgi felt the urge to bite her lips. Balling up her fists, she forcefully calmed her emotions, not wanting to give Jimin a bad impression. "Sorry."

Jimin walked back to the door, putting on his coat. "Have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow I will tell someone to come here and take care of you. If you need or want anything, just tell her." He spoke, glancing at Seulgi.

"What if I want to look for you?" Seulgi pouted.

Jimin was silent for a while. "I have my phone."

Then, he left the apartment.

Seulgi watched the man leave, door closing behind him. She felt completely helpless and powerless in this situation, but she couldn't admit defeat.

She was not that kind of person; she never was.

Y/N lay on her side of the bed, sleeping comfortably. Suddenly, she felt movement beside her. The blanket tugged slightly as someone climbed into the bed, laying down next to her.

Her eyes fluttered open, and she turned her head only to see Jimin looking back at her. She was somewhat surprised, she thought tonight he would be staying with Seulgi. She didn't expect him to be back.

Jimin's hands snaked around her waist, slipping into her pajama top. Y/N frowned, pushing his hands away and pulling her top back down. "Jimin, go take a bath." She groaned, her voice still fuzzy as she was only half awake.

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