Chapter 16

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Jimin's hand clutched her delicate chin. "That's right, it is possible that you are pregnant now, but it hasn't confirmed yet. You need to continue to be with me..."


Y/N looked over the source of the sound that comes from the door. It was Jungkook. He was holding a paper bag and he looked somewhat startled seeing the situation in front of him.

Y/N then realized that she and Jimin was in really intimate distance at this moment and hurriedly pushed him of. Jimin's eyes were full of mockery.

"Kookie, how do you know I am here?"

Jungkook cleared his throat and slowly went inside. "Auntie gave me a call this morning. She said she might accidentally hit you last night, she can't really remember so I just come to check..."

Y/N laughed agonizingly inside. Her mother sometimes would look her as her enemy. But when she was clear-headed, she would be ashamed of what she did.

When Shin Ji was young, she was a wonderful pianist. Who knows that she can change into something like that because of a man?

Y/N didn't inherit any musical talent from her, from Y/N's early age, her mother always punished her to kneel on the ground and scold her because she couldn't play the piano well. Her mother thought if she worked hard to make Y/N good at music, Jun Seo would care about them and stop being cold toward her and daughter.

Because the first time Jun Seo met her, it was at the music feast and he was captivated with her music.

That time Jun Seo promised that he would be with her forever, but he ended up marrying an appropriate match which was a rich girl from high background family.

That was Shin Ji's grief.

So ever since a little girl, Y/N knew that men's promise was nothing but a lie.

Jimin let go of his hand on Y/N's waist and looked at his watch. "Mr Jeon, you come so early. It's  not even 7 o'clock yet. It looks like you are very worry."

Jungkook laughed. "How can I continue to sleep after getting such news, so I came as fast as I could." He put the paper bag on the table. It was a thermos box, inside was a pipping hot porridge and steamed dumpling. "You haven't had breakfast right? I got these from your favorite place."

Jungkook was always this considerate, but Y/N felt a bit apologetic. "Sorry, my mom woke you up this morning early but even got me breakfast, thank you."

"It's okay, you can wash your face first, then eat your breakfast," Jungkook slightly smiled.

Y/N nodded. "Oh right, if my mom ask you again about me, just tell her that I'm okay. Don't mention that I was hurt."

In any case she would not remember it clearly, but Y/N also didn't want her to be worried and guilty.

Y/N went toward the restroom and passed by Jimin. She chose to ignore him.

Jungkook was very attentive, he worried that the porridge would be too hot when Y/N eating it, so he poured it into the bowl and put in on the table to cool it off.

Jimin just sat down on the sofa and observed all of his actions. Jungkook was really in love with Y/N.

There were mutual understanding that cannot be compare with anyone between them so for saying that they were not an item, it just hard to believe.

"You seems know a lot about my wife, Mr. Jeon."

Jungkook's hand movement was rigid after he said that. Jimin found it funny.

Not only concerned his wife, but it looked like he was concerned about the way Jimin addressed Y/N as his wife.

Jungkook stopped and turned his body then stared at Jimin. "We both grow up together since we are little. Of course, I know her preference clearly."

"Grow up together? So it looked like you are childhood sweethearts?" Jimin raised up his brows.

Jungkook answered. "Precisely."

Jimin's eyes immediately narrowed.

After that, there was no more dialogue between two of them.

Y/N was steeping out of the bathroom, she felt the atmosphere was strange, she looked around but didn't say anything.

She quietly sniffed the gunpowder's scent on the verge of breaking out.

Did they know each other? They seems to dislike each other.

Because of her wounded back she was walk carefully to the table but she accidentally stumbled on the chair. She almost fell down to the ground, but Jungkook who was standing beside the table pulled her into his arm.

But Y/N was screaming in pain. "Y/N, what happened to you?"

He supported and take Y/N to the bed and when he was about to open and inspect her wounds, a hand stopped him.

Jimin stood in front of them. "Sorry to trouble you Mr. Jeon. But you can call the doctor."

Jungkook's hand stayed rigidly but not then immediately released his hand and nodded. "Okay."

Jungkook left and closed the door, Jimin then starting to undo the button of Y/N's clothes.

Y/N aware of his movement then hold her collar together. "What are you doing?"

"Just lay down in your stomach and don't move." Jimin's voice was cold and stern, it would impossible for anybody to go against him. After she laid down on her stomach, he undid the button and take her clothes off. After a night, the wounds still didn't look any better. He used his finger to lightly touch it, it was still painful that it made her shoulder shivered.

Jimin released his hand, she immediately pulled up the clothes. She was scared he would do something.

Her action make him unhappy. "You look comfortable in front of Jeon Jungkook but why are you pretending in front of me?"

Y/N knew what he was talking about, obviously he thought that she and Jungkook have some kind of relationship but they didn't. "Park Jimin, what kind of nonsense you are talking about, Kookie and I are just friends, just a moment ago he was..."

Jimin didn't even let her finish and cut her off "No need to explain, I don't have any interest in your relationship. Listen to me, Y/N. I don't care what kind of relationship you are having with him. I just want to remind you that you and I are not divorced yet. Don't do a shameful thing as it will ruin the Park's family image, don't embarrassed my family, understand?"

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