Chapter 24

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"Jimin, where are you?"

"At home." Jimin was in emotional knot: "Jin-Hyung, what's the matter?"

Jin laughed: "It looks like you don't know that Y/N is sick...."

"What do you mean Y/N is sick?" Jimin wrinkled his eyebrow, he didn't even notice that his voice sounded anxious.

"What kind of husband are you?" Jin was mocking Jimin: "She is at my hospital, just come here, I will send you the room number."

He hung up the phone then took his coat and car key then hurriedly drove the car to the hospital.

Jimin stopped as the traffic light turned red and he couldn't help but kept thinking about Y/N's face this morning, her face was indeed looking pale.

He thought it was because she didn't have a good sleep. Thinking about it now, she must've been feeling unwell but it looked like she completely ignored her condition and still went out.

She always left home early in the morning and went back home late, how could he not know what she was doing.

She did nothing besides helping her father to collect the money. She did everything she could but she still couldn't get a hundred million.

The traffic was still crowded around the hospital even thought it was almost midnight, there were still a lot of cars passing by. When Jimin still immersed in his thought, the light turned green and he didn't realize it until the car behind him kept honking.

He regained his awareness and continue driving to the hospital.

After parking the car, he took his phone to check the message from Jin for Y/N's room number.

Y/N's room was left unlocked, he used his hand to slightly pushed it. There were people talking inside the room and they didn't aware of his arrival.

Jungkook stood beside the bed, looked at Y/N and said: "Jeon company needs money because we're expanding the business aboard indeed but that doesn't mean I can't lend you the money Y/N. Don't worry about it"

Y/N shook her head to refuse: "I can't accept your money Kookie, you always helped me ever since we were younger, I troubled you enough. I don't want to be a burden to you."

"You are and will never be a burden to me Y/N." Jungkook smiled slightly.

"Kookie, I...."

Y/N looked at him and hadn't even get a chance to replied but got cut with the cold laughter from the doorway.

She looked to the doorway and startled.

How could Jimin is here?

Y/N was still confused as Jimin got inside then he stopped in the front of the bed: "Do I disturb you guys?"

Jungkook smiled again: "Mr Park, we are just chatting, how can you disturb us."

These two men standing there while facing each other and she was laying down on the bed, she couldn't help but felt a strange atmosphere between these two men.

Jimin looked at his watch: "It's late. Mr Jeon, you should go home and rest. Today was really inconvenient for you. I will take care of Y/N now."

Y/N also realized that it was late already and didn't want to troubled him by spend the night here: "Kookie, you can go home and rest."

Jungkook stayed silent for a while and finally nodded. He used his hand to stroke Y/N's hair delicately: "Then I will go first, you need to rest. Please consider about what I was saying, just don't refused it."

After Jungkook left, Y/N looked at the man in front of her: "Why are you here?"

"If I didn't appear, what would you guys do?" Jimin leaned his body, his eyes fixed on her face.

Y/N understood the meaning behind his word, she couldn't help herself but to feel somewhat irritated: "Park Jimin, Jungkook and I are just friends."

"Friends?" Jimin's tone slight rose, it was clear that he didn't believe it but he didn't say anything. He then put his hand on her forehead. It made her startled.

Y/N then realized that he was just checking her temperature.

She shook his hand away: "You also go home."

He felt some indescribable feeling because of Y/N's attitude toward him so his eyes become colder.

He didn't leave but instead leaning on the table near the bedside. He arrogantly looked at her and said: "Y/N, it looks like you really don't want me to be here, why? Are you blaming me that I prevent your good thing to happen?"

"I don't understand what do you mean." Y/N's voice slightly rose, she was furious with this man who always kept on misunderstanding her relationship with Jungkook.

For Y/N, Jungkook was like her family, her brother, it was completely different with what he was thinking.

"Do you really not understand?" Jimin crooked up his lip: "Or are you just pretending? Of course you're only pretending" Jimin slightly laugh in mockery tone.

"Go out!" Y/N pointed to the door. Her chest was full of emotion and she felt that it was impossible to communicate with this man. Besides, it was him that kept saying for her knew her place. So her matter was unrelated to him.

Jimin said: "Y/N, I remember that I have warned you to keep away from Jeon Jungkook, it looks like you never listen to my words, huh?"

"You keep being together with him, being all intimate as if no one is looking, are you that impatient that you can't control yourself?" Jimin continues, "Jeon company needs money at the moment, yet Jungkook willing to give you the money. Who would believe that there is nothing between you two?"

"Jimin, you're out of the line!"

Y/N raised one of her hand and wanted to slap him. However, Jimin immediately gripped her hand.

His words became more and more hurtful: "Now tell me Y/N, how do you plan to return his money? Use your body to return it?"

Y/N's face turned colder, her eyes were red. She used her power to let go of his hand. Then, she rubbed her eyes.

She didn't want to cry, especially in front of Jimin, because it would become a joke for him.

She pulled her lips and said: "Jimin, am I that low in your eyes?"

Her voice was very soft, it sounded like a fog.

Jimin felt this indescribable feeling as Y/N was talking her heart out, then he felt his heart was empty.

"Too low that..." Her voice choked with sobs: "I would use my get the things I want...."

Even though she tried her best to be strong, but the tears still showing on the corner of her eyes. Jimin didn't expect that he would extend his hand to wipe it. He unexpectedly could not bear to look at her tears.

But Y/N avoided his hand, she took a deep breath, and tried to calm her voice: "I know that you hate me and apparently I am and will always be that low in your eyes. But don't worry, the time that Joon Min finally recovers, I will directly sign the divorce paper. Moreover, I will forever disappear from your face. Are you satisfied now?"


I just watched BRING THE SOUL THE MOVIE. I'm in the ocean of tears I'm super proud of the boys. Let's keep supporting them conquering the world. I wish them nothing but the best, let's love all of them as they're keep making us happy and love ourself 💙

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