Chapter 59

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SIKE. This is the real adult content
¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ Prepare your Hobi water because we're going on a ride.

Jimin looked at Y/N blankly, loosening his grip on her arms. Y/N took this opportunity to push Jimin away and get off the bed. Rubbing her wrists, she sat down on the side of the bed away from Jimin. Jimin felt startled at the mention of Seulgi's name, but he didn't say anything about it.

"You planned this all along. You're a pervert Park Jimin!" Y/N huffed.

"I am?" Jimin asked shamelessly, smirking.

Y/N paused, thinking for a moment. "Wait."

Jimin looked at her in confusion. Y/N walked over to the sofa and picked up her purse. Pulling a bottle of pills out, she popped one in her mouth and swallowed it.

Standing up and walking to Y/N's side, he grabbed the bottle from her hands, inspecting it. "What's this?" he asked.

Y/N took the bottle back from Jimin's hands, placing it back onto the table. A faint blush appeared on her cheeks. "The doctor said it can increase the chance of pregnancy." She replied quietly.

Jimin paused, staring at Y/N. He smirked, raising an eyebrow, but he didn't do anything.

Y/N grabbed the hem of her white sweater, pulling it off with one swift movement without hesitation.

"Why don't you continue?" Jimin stared at her seductively, his soft lips parted in anticipation. His eyes traveled from her face, down to her body, taking in all the curves.

Looking at her body, Jimin couldn't help but think about all the dirty things he was going to do to her. Removing the rest of her clothes, leaving her only with her red lace undergarments, Jimin's favorite color on her. Y/N looked up at Jimin.

Y/N only had one thing on her mind right now. 'Get pregnant.' There was no room to be shy.

Approaching Jimin, she pressed her body against his muscular one, wrapping her arms around his neck. Leaning in, she whispered into his ear. "Jimin, carry me."

Jimin chuckled lightly, placing his arms around her bare waist and leaned closer to her ear then whisper. "And you said I was the pervert." He smirked evilly, causing Y/N to blush in embarrassment.

Y/N could only look at him silently, red faced. "Park Jimin!" She was already too far in to back down, so she could only endure it. "What? You were the one that took off your clothes yourself." Jimin teased.

Before Y/N could respond, she felt her body being lifted swiftly from the ground. She yelped at the sudden movement, holding tight to Jimin's neck as he grabbed her thighs and pushed her against the wall.

"You should finish what you started." Jimin growled, his eyes turning dark with lust. His lower body pressed into her firmly.

Y/N gulped nervously, shivering a little. The air felt heavy around them.

Looking at Y/N's blushing face and plump red lips, he couldn't hold it back any longer. When he lowered his head wanted to kiss her, she turned her head.

She clearly didn't willing to let him kiss her. Jimin's eyes were burning in fire. So his fingers clutched her delicate chin to face him then he kissed her cherry lips.

His fingers made circles on her clothed center making her gasp then he slipped his tongue inside her mouth without her permission, fighting for dominance.

Their tongues danced and intertwined with each other and the was kiss hot and passionate. Y/N could taste the smoky, leather like taste of whiskey in Jimin's kiss. Fluttery sensation crawled up to her lower abdomen and she felt herself getting wet for him.

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