Chapter 75

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A&E/N: Sorry for the late update guys! To make up for it, here's two chapters in one 😎Enjoy the soft hours~

"Mom, yesterday great grandma showed me some photos of Jeju, it looks fun!" Joon Min said with excitement. His face lit up at the idea of going for a holiday with his mom and dad.

"You heard the boy. Hurry up and pack your bags after breakfast." Grandma chuckled.

"..... Okay....."

Y/N could see how eager Joon Min was to go on this trip and she didn't want him to be sad either. She sighed and stroked Joon Min's head. Jeju is indeed a beautiful place.

After the breakfast, Jimin had some business matters to handle before their flight in the afternoon so he left to the company first. Y/N picked up Joon Min and put him in his room with Auntie Wang and returned to the room to pack her belongings.

It had been a while since Y/N had been on a trip. She rarely went on a holiday, so she wasn't too sure what she should bring. She ended up picking out a few sundresses and some summery clothes and packed it into the suitcase.

Suddenly there was knocking on the door. Y/N assumed that it would be Auntie Wang who was in-charge of taking care of Joon Min right now, so she didn't lift her head. "Come in."

The door opened, but the person that just entered the room did not speak. Y/N lifted her head and realised that it wasn't Auntie Wang, but Neon Yun.

Neon Yun looked at Y/N silently with a condescending expression on her face. "Mom." Y/N greeted her.

"Where are you going? Jimin is going to Jeju for a business trip. Why, you want to follow him?" Neon Yun scoffed.

Y/N nodded. "Joonie and I will go to Jeju with Jimin."

Neon Yun's face turned even darker; she looked like she was about to burst out in anger any second. She glared at Y/N and exhaled sharply, swallowing her anger. "Y/N, don't get too carried away with your wishful thinking. Especially when this doesn't belong to you." Neon Yun said in a low voice.

Y/N knew that she was talking about her position as Jimin's wife and the future mistress of the Park family. Neon Yun had told her this many times already, it wasn't anything that could bother Y/N. Y/N smiled at Neon Yun sweetly. "Mom, I've never been carried away by wishful thinking. But things that already belong to me... I will grasp it firmly." Y/N turned away from Neon Yun and continued folding her clothes.

Neon Yun was furious. Was this her way of declaring that Jimin already belonged to her? Thinking about Seulgi's pitiful appearance last night compared to Y/N right now, she felt like she was going to explode.

Neon Yun's train of thought was interrupted as the door knocked again. "Y/N, are you done?" Grandma spoke from outside the room.

Grandma opened the door and noticed Neon Yun inside. Her face turned dark; she hadn't seen Neon Yun since she didn't come home last night. "You came home? I thought you would move out and live together with that singer?" Grandma said coldly, closing the door behind her.

"Mom, I was just worried that Seulgi would have some problems, so I went there to check...."

"You always care for her." Grandma laughed mockingly. "I've never seen you that nervous, not even when Joonie had an accident. What happened last night? Did she want to jump from a building to kill herself or cut her wrist?"

Neon Yun didn't expect Grandma would say something like that; her expression turned awkward. "Mom, you shouldn't say things like that..."

"Just go out and mind your own business.. I don't want to see you anymore. If I didn't consider how your family helped us during our hard times, maybe I would have never let you enter this family..." Grandma waved her hand at Neon Yun, beckoning her to leave the room.

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