Chapter 32

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Neon Yun became pale because of Grandma's word.

Joo Hyuk helped her out of trouble: "Mom, don't be angry, Neon Yun didn't mean it."

Grandma Park didn't continue to discuss it, just snorted coldly, then looked at Y/N: "Y/N, I see you and Jimin are in a good relation recently, how was it? Is there any good news yet?"

She took pregnancy test a few days ago but she still not pregnant yet but she didn't want the elder to be worried, so she said: "It will not be too quick, grandma."

Grandma nodded her head and slightly smiled, she used her hand to stroke Joon Min's head: "Then you should try harder with Jimin, give a sister or brother for our Joonie as soon as possible."

"Alright, grandma."

Jimin went downstairs but didn't sit down to take his breakfast, he only came over to greet: "Grandma, Mom, Dad, I will go to office first."

Neon Yun asked: "Why don't you eat breakfast?"

"I can't, I still have matters to handle."

Jimin took the car key, turned his body and went outside.

Grandma looked at him leaving then turned her head and said: "Y/N, you should be more strived hard, sometimes happiness depends on our effort to fight, right?"

Y/N knew what Grandma's saying was for her good, but how could they be happy together? They even already made a promise.

As soon as Joon Min recovers, they would divorced, and forever disappeared from each other life and never intersect again.

This was her and Jimin's future.

They would never be together.

So regarding to grandma's word this moment, Y/N was laughing bitterly in her heart, but in reality, she could only nodded.

This moment her gaze accidentally met Neon Yun's serene cold eyes, she shifted her gaze.

Y/N had married to Park family for four years, she never deliberately go to win favor by fawning on someone, she only live her own life. But in Neon Yun's eyes, no matter what she does, it was never a good one.

These four years, they both had only a few interactions.

Neon Yun's hated her so much that it already implicated to her attitude toward Joon Min.

But no matter what Joon Mon was still her own grandson, moreover, he was only a three years old boy. She should not let her hatred influenced her affection toward this grandson.

This afternoon, Y/N didn't go out, she just conveniently accompany Joon Min at home.

Since his illness, he didn't go to kindergarten anymore. He was hospitalized for quite long time, he missed the his previous moments in the kindergarten. He was a lively and active kids, also like to play and be together with his friends, however he spent in spiritless hospital that lack of vitality.

Although he didn't go to kindergarten anymore, but when Y/! has time, she would teach him something at home.

This moment, Y/N was accompanying him to look literate diagram. They both looked really serious, didn't pay even a slightest attention to the person who stood in front of the door.

Neok Yun already knocked for few times, but the mother and son inside didn't have any detectable movement, she became annoyed and said: "Y/N."

Y/N finally heard it, then turned her head: "Mom, is there any problem?"

"Come with me for a while, I want to talk with you."

She finished her sentence and left Joon Min's room.

Y/N was confused, because Neon Yun never initiatively looked for her.

Even Joon Min felt there was something wrong with her motivation to look for Y/N, so he pulled her hand: "Mom, why is grandma looking for you?"

Y/N smiled: "Be good, you look at it by yourself first. Mom will talk with grandma for awhile."

She left Joon Min's room, looked at Neon Yun was standing at the balcony at the end of the corridor.

She opened the French window and step down on the the balcony: "Mom, you look for me?"

There were a seats on the balcony.

During the summer, Joon Min really like to go there, but now the weather was too cold and also his health reason, so he rarely come there.

Neon Yun casted a glance toward her, she went to the chair and sit sown, then said: "Sit down."

Y/N was not really mind her attitude towards her, then she sat on the opposite of her.

Neon Yun didn't spoke in a roundabout way: "Y/N, I want to know your future plan, do you really prepare to stay in the Park Family forever?"

"Mom, I don't understand what do you mean."

"Don't understand?" Neon Yun raised her brow, and laughed coldly: "You should understand my meaning. Don't pretend anymore, don't pretend to be stupid. You should recognize your own path also you should know that Jimin doesn't love you and never will. His future is being together with Seulgi. Even though you work hard to stay in Park family it would be useless, because you will not get his heart, ever."

So this was what Neon Yun wanted to talk about.

Y/N's charming face didn't show any fluctuate mood, she was very calm because from the start she knew the ending of this, it was gonna exactly be like what Neon Yun said.

"Mom, I don't care whether you believe it or not, but I never wanted to be together with Jimin. Not in the past, not now, and also not in the future. Don't you worry, I have self-knowledge, I know my status. From the start, Jimin and I had already discussed it. After Joon Min recovered, we will divorced and that time he can marry Seulgi..."

She stopped for a while, then looked toward Neon Yun: "If there is nothing else, that I will go inside first."

There was no benefit to speak too much, she only need to tell her standpoint.

As for Neon Yun, whether she believed it or not, it didn't matter, she didn't depend on her to live anyway.

Y/N didn't wait for her response, she open the french door and get inside.

All along she always knew the end of Jimin and her, so she didn't need everyone to keep remind her from time to time.

When she got back, she felt uneasy feeling until she felt like she couldn't even move, she leaned on the wall, closed her eyes and took a rest for awhile. After adjusting her situation, she went back to Joon Min's room.

This kid clearly didn't read the book well, he was waiting for Y/N's return.

"Mom, you come back. Grandma didn't bully you right?"

"Grandma just talked about something with me." Y/N smiled, she felt this moment was somewhat difficult to breath in this Park family house: "Joonie, Uncle Jungkook said tonight he wants to invite us to dinner. Let's get ready, then we will go."

As now it was still a bit early, so they went for the studio for a while. Then they went to the restaurant.

"Happy birthday Y/N" Jungkook said with a sweet smile.

"Thank you Kookie" Y/N smiled back at him and Jungkook bring out his presents from under the table: "And these christmas present for our Joonie..."

Joon Min's eyes lighten up in instant because he loves presents. Jungkook bought a lot of drawing and painting tools, he knew that Joon Min started a new hobby such as drawing and painting since he couldn't really play outside and spent a lot of time in the hospital.

"I saw your drawing and painting, you definitely have a talent Joonie, you will grow up to be the next Vincent van Gogh." Jungkook sincerely said and it brought a big smile on Joon Min's face: "Thank you uncle Kookie, it's so thoughtful of you."

After dinner, Jungkook sent them both back to the house. Along the way home, Joon Min was already asleep in Y/N's embrace.

Jungkook stopped the car, then helped them to opened the door. He took Joon Min from Y/N embrace and waited for Y/N to get off the car, then he passes Joon Min to her.

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