Chapter 40

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The reason why Y/N decided to stay with her was because she knew that she was the doctor at the hospital and she was positive that Nayeon wouldn't have any bad intention.

And also she didn't have and bring anything anyway.

"It looks like your legs got frostbite, unfortunately I don't have any frostbite cream. Remember to buy some and put it on tomorrow." Nayeon looked at Y/N legs.

Of course her legs got frostbite, she didn't even wear any shoes and she was only wearing a thin dress in this cold winter.

The door was knocked when Nayeon just finished her sentences. She was confused, who would knock this late?

Although she was confused but she still put down the chopstick on her hand, raised her body and opened the door.

Because it was too late, she also didn't directly open the door, she checked it from the peephole.

It was a very good looking man and his face looked gloomy and worried.

She didn't know him, Nayeon didn't plan to open the door. When she was about to go back to the table and, the door was knocked again for several time. This time, that man said: "Y/N, open the door."

Hearing Y/N's name, Nayeon hesitated for a moment, but then still opened the door: "Mr, you look for Ms Y/N?"

"Where is she?"

Y/N, who was in dining room, heard that familiar voice, she was alarmed that her chopsticks fell down from her grip.

She just didn't expect, how could Jimin find her? Moreover, what was he looking for her for?"

Was it possible that Seulgi is in critical condition?

Her brow tightly frowned thinking about that, she just stayed silent and just looked at Jimin who was pacing to her. Finally he stopped in front of her, he caught of sight of the bowl of ramyeon on the table: "Finish your food then go home with me."

Y/N was laughing coldly inside her head, there must be something wrong happened with Seulgi, so he even looked for her.

Nayeon closed the door and went back to dining room, she felt the atmosphere was extremely strange. She looked at both of them, but also couldn't understand what was the situation,but she could notice that this two were not in good relation.

Y/N purposely ate the noodle very very slow, she thought Jimin would get angry or he would pull her without saying anything, after all, Seulgi was his top priority right?

However Jimin didn't do any of that, he stood on the side and waited for her to finish it.

Y/N looked at Jimin, it seems that he wouldn't leave without her. Y/N didn't want to disturb Nayeon and she already troubled her enough so she finished her food and said: "Doctor, I will go first."

"O.... Okay." Nayeon still guessed their relation, she nodded, and remembered a thing: "Remember to buy the frostbite cream for your legs."


Y/N could felt Jimin's eyes on her legs when Nayeon said that. Then she followed Jimin downstairs and got inside the car, she then leaned on the sear and closed her eyes

Jimin would wake her up when they arrived at the hospital anyway so she just slept.

She felt really tired and being trapped together with this man in this little space made her hard to breath.

Jimin drove the car back to Park house, Y/N was so tired that she didn't even awake when they arrived.

He opened the door and was about to wake her up. However when he placed his hand on her shoulder, he stopped for moment, he took an opportunity to carry her toward the room.

Grandma was in the living room, unable to got back to sleep because she was so worry about Y/N. When she saw Y/N, she was relieved. She was about to scold Jimin but looking at Y/N sleeping and she didn't want to woke her so she just dropped it...for now.

Jimin carried Y/N to their bedroom, placed her on the bed, helped her to take off her shoes and changed into her pajamas.

Because she was exhausted and she just donated her blood so she didn't wake up during the process.

The time he put the blanket on Y/N's body, he caught a sight of her legs was so red because of the frostbite, even now it still seemed ice cold.

His eyes were muddled, he used his hand to touch her legs, then went downstair to take the medical-kit box then cautiously put the cream on top of it.

Y/N actually slowly awake, also noticed that Jimin was treating the frostbite. But she didn't open her eyes and didn't do anything.

Because she didn't want to face this man.

Until Jimin released her legs and tidy up the medical-kit box then went to the bathroom to take a shower. She slowly opened her eyes and glared to the ceiling.

She felt that she could't really understand Jimin's way of thinking. She preferred him to be like he used to, ignored and paid no attention to her and not like this, being all nice and care about her.

She closed her eyes but she couldn't sleep anymore. She tossed from side to side until the sky gradually became bright.

The phone on the bedside cabinet was vibrated.

She knew it was Jimin's phone, so she didn't move.

The phone kept on ringing so Jimin went out of the bathroom and answer the phone: "Mom, what happened?"

Seulgi was faintly awake.

When she opened her eyes, she was looked at something white. Her thought was stopped for a moment, but very quick she regained her sight and conscious, then she remembered what happened to her.

She suddenly raised from her bed, used her hand to press her underbelly, she felt an intense pain.

So, it was not a dream.

It was a reality.

She was pregnant, she didn't know the situation, but her child was gone.

It was happening so fast!

She touched her empty stomach and suddenly cried.

Neon Yun was sleeping on the side but when she heard Seulgi was crying she was shocked and asked: "Seulgi, what happened? Is there anything wrong?"

"My baby is gone? Is it true?" Seulgi held Neon Yun's hand, her red eyes glared at her.

Neon Yun's heart immediately sad, she patted her hand and comforted her: "Seulgi, it's okay. You and Jimin all are still young. You both will have the kids in the future, so don't cry, really, you will have it again very soon...."

NOTE: Kim Taehyung is always there, he is Jimin's assistant. He always there to help Jimin, especially about work-matters. It was Park Company Annual Gala and he was there and Jimin needed him to buy Y/N some clothes and shoes because he was busy taking care of Seulgi.

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