Chapter 33

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Y/N looked at Jungkook: "Thank you Jungkook, for all the presents for Joonie, you don't have to."

Then Y/N was hardly opened her eyes because she was blinded by the car ahead. The car was advance from their side.

The window was half-opened, exposing Jimin's side profile.

Jungkook also saw it, but he ignore it and said: "Don't need to thank me Y/N, Joon Min is like a son to me." Jungkook said while showing his bunny teeth.

"Hurry up, your flight is in an hour, be careful."

"Yes, if you have any problems, just give me a call." Jungkook was still smiling warmly and gently stroked Joon Min's hair.


"You both go inside, it's cold. Good night."

Y/N carried Joon Min and went inside, passed through the patio. When she about to pulled out her keys to opened the door, the entrance was opened from inside.

After she looked clearly at the one who opened the door, Y/N was startled.

Jimin also didn't say anything, his gaze was just as cold as before, he just extended his hand and carried Joon Min from her embrace. Then went upstairs to Joon Min's room.

When Y/N went to the bedroom from Joon Min's room to put all the presents, Jimin already finished his shower, he was sitting down in the sofa and drank wine.

In any case, she and Jimin's interaction was always like this, so Y/N didn't say anything. She just directly went to the bathroom to take a bath. When she was done, she went outside, she noticed a red Valentino box on the bed.

She was silent and wanted to put it on the bedside cabinet but it wasn't hers, it must be Jimin's and she wouldn't dare to touch his things.

Jimin was watching Y/N while still drinking his wine and said: "Open the case."

Y/N hesitated for a while, but then she opened the case.

Inside it was a perfectly tailored red long dress.

Y/N used her hand to touch it: "This is...."

Jimin already put down his glass of wine then go toward her, he stood beside her: "Your dress, Park Company Annual Gala is in two days. Grandma instructed that this year you and Joon Min need to show up. This was custom made according to your size, it should be fit."

So it was the dress from Jimin for her.....

Regarding the annual gala, Y/N knew nothing about it because she never went to participate in the past. It was not because Park family didn't let her to attend, but she didn't willing to go and she didn't think it was necessary.

Grandma also never forced her to attend it, so these years just passes by that way.

Didn't expect that this year even her formal dress was already prepared, it seemed that she needed to attend it. Moreover, even Joon Min also needed to go...

But Y/N still didn't fond of this kind of circumstance, also didn't like to have social niceties with others.

"I don't want to go."

Jimin came closer and said to her ear with a seductive voice: "Then you need to say it to grandma." He then started to undid her button while kissing her neck.

The next day, Y/N went to the grandma to express her unwillingness to attend the Park Company Annual Gala, but she said no.

The reason was, Y/N was the wife of Park family only heir, she was the future hostess of Park family. She should attend and made public appearance in this annual gala to let everyone to know her identity.

Grandma showed resolute attitude, no matter what she said. Grandma still insisted that she must be there in annual gala.

Y/N couldn't say no.

Actually she quite understood of grandma's intention, she wanted to use this opportunity to let her and Jimin, and especially Joon Min to be appear together publicly, to announce her status.

But Y/N really felt it was unnecessary because her so-called status, will quickly transfer to another woman.

Even though her heart wanted to reject Grandma's idea, she also knew that she need to attend it.

It was very quick that it was finally the day of the annual gala, usually every year Grandma would attend the annual gala. But this year, she didn't want to appear. She wanted to give the responsibility to the younger generations.

Park Company Annual Gala was held in the most famous five-star hotel, tonight this hotel was fully booked by The Parks.

"Mr Park, do you want to let people to rush Mrs Park?"

The maid inquired Jimin, who was sitting down on the sofa.

He was looking at the finance magazine, then he raised his hand to see the watch, then said: "No need to be too rush, take it easy, we still have time."

Actually Y/N who was upstairs, knew that she had wasted a lot of time. But she never attended this kind of party, she didn't know there would be so many things to attend. At the start she want to draped her hair on her shoulder. But Grandma was not satisfy with it, she instructed the stylist to put her in the updo.

It took a lot of time to do the make up. Even though it was a light make-up, but it was really exquisite.

With great difficulty, Y/N was ready with her dress and make up. Grandma inspected it for a while, then caught a sight of Y/N butterfly necklace. She used her hand to examine it, her face appeared to be happy: "This is?"

"Birthday present."

Grandma smiled slightly: "Was it from Jimin?"

Y/N's face was slightly blushed, then she nodded.

Grandma laughed and put down the necklace. She didn't say anything else. She knew Y/N was always fond of simplicity, so she would not wear and buy expensive jewelry. Originally she let someone to prepare a necklace, but now realizing that the necklace given from Jimin so she just let her wear it.

This was more important than any jewelry, so she thought it was enough.

Grandma came from a distinguished family, her ancestors were government official. So from her young age, she already attended various of occasion, her esthetic also was good. Her taste was magnificent, she wanted Y/N to be perfect for tonight.

All along Joon Min was on the side, he calmly read his book to wait. Grandma said: "Okay, Joonie. Go down with mom, your dad is waiting for you guys."

"Mom, you look amazing. You are the most beautiful woman in the whole world." Joon Min said, Y/N smiled at him and slightly patted his little head.

Grandma was impatient to see Jimin's expression when he looked at Y/N makeover.

Y/N's appearance was not that kind of entice by flattery, bright and colorful. Her appearance was exquisite with fine features. Every part of her is just perfect and right. She was just simply beautiful.

Y/N felt it was excessive, she dragged her dress and a little bit uneasy said: "Grandma..." It was very rare for her to dressed up this way.

Grandma ignored her: "Go downstairs."

"Mom, let's go." Joon Min wore a checkered little suit, little leather shoes, and a bowtie, just like english gentlemen.

NOTE: There would be some difficulties for the next chapters, so prepare yourself and keep praying for uri Y/N.

Personal note:
If I were Y/N, I seriously got no time for Jimin's changing moods and indecisiveness (he's a libra, so you know). I'd go fuck Jungkook and be done with it 😤 thankfully Y/N is a decent, kind hearted and full of patience.

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