Chapter 68

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Warning: Adult content ahead! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Please read the author's note at the end of the chapter for absence explanations! We hope this smutty chapter makes up for it ;)

Because today the trio returned home early, everyone was still awake chatting in the living room. Grandma, Neon Yun, and Joo Hyuk were downstairs, except today a guest was here too. It was Joo Hyuk's older sister's son, Lee Taemin.

Grandma had a daughter; she married a real estate agent from the Lee family and eventually gave birth to Taemin. Unfortunately the Lee family went bankrupt, and Taemin's parents passed in an accident when he was still young, therefore grandma raised Taemin in the Park family.

When Taemin was about ten years old, he moved to Germany to study abroad. Now he handles business of the Park family over there too, so he rarely returned home.

Y/N had been only been a part of Park family for four years, so she rarely had the chance to meet Taemin.

Even when he flew back to Korea, he never stayed in Park Family house. He had his own estate, so he just simply stayed at his own place.

Because Jimin and Taemin grew up together, they had a pretty close relationship. Noticing the commotion in the living room as they walked into the house, they entered to greet Taemin. Taemin sees Jimin and gets up from the sofa to approach the trio. "Hyung, why are you back?" Jimin asked, smiling.

Taemin patted his shoulder. "It's been a while since the last time I came to visit grandma, so I decided to fly back home for a bit."

Y/N stood at Jimin's side; she made eye contact with Taemin, greeting him politely. "Taemin Oppa." She bowed slightly.

"Y/N." Taemin smiled. "No wonder I didn't see you guys during the dinner, it turns out the three of you went out to have fun?"

Taemin smiled at the small boy still sleeping in Jimin's arms. "Why don't you carry him upstairs first." He suggested.

"Let me." Y/N took Joon Min from Jimin's embrace, heading to bring him back into his room.

Because it was a rare moment for Taemin to be back, everyone was downstairs to talk with him.

After Y/N finished putting Joon Min to bed, she went downstairs. Even though she was not really close to Taemin as they never really had the chance to talk in the last few years, it was still common courtesy for her to be around.

The family talked for a while, catching up with Taemin and his life in Germany. Soon it had become late and Grandma needed to sleep so Taemin prepared to go home.

"Taemin-ah, why don't you just stay here tonight?" Grandma asked. She had missed him terribly and hoped for him to stay for one night, but Taemin shook his head and smiled instead.

"I'll come visit again later grandma, I sleep better at my own place." He gave grandma a hug and gathered his belongings.

Grandma knew that Taemin wouldn't stay so she just sighed and patted his back lightly. "Okay Taemin-ah, get home safe."

Taemin bid goodnight to everyone before leaving. After he had left, Jimin put an arm around Y/N's shoulders. "Grandma, Mom, Dad, we will go up first."

Grandma raised an eyebrow at the couple. "Why are you in a hurry?"

Jimin didn't say anything and grabbed Y/N's hand to leave the living room. Y/N could barely turn around to bid everyone goodnight before Jimin had dragged her back up the stairs to their bedroom.

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