Chapter 21

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Jimin replied with a mocking tone "What do you want me to say? After all these years, you and your family received a lot of benefits from my family. Y/N, don't be too greedy."

He slightly smiled, his eyes showed a clear mockery, his finger stroked her face. "Also, what makes you think I would give you the money? Who do you think you are?"

Y/N's face was getting paler, his words were like thin and long needled pricked at her. She couldn't help but hurt by his words.

Y/N lowered her head, bit her lip to hold her tears and gathered all the strength within her to calmed herself down because she didn't want to cry, not in the front of this man. Not like this. She would only look like a completely joke to him, she raised her head again. "I'm sorry, I am overestimated myself."

Although she was trying her best to be calm and strong, but her voice sounded scattered and smashed because she was trying to hold her tears. Her eyes were all red but she managed to hold her tears.

Jimin stayed silent. When he was about to open his mouth to replied, Y/N already raised up from the bed, she couldn't hold it anymore and accidentally let out a single sob as her tears betrayed her. She left the room.

Jimin looked at her fragile figure walked away from him, he suddenly felt uneasy.

His phone rang and made him jumped a little. He took it and looked at the ID.

Kim Seulgi.

He answered. "It's still early, why are you up?"

"I miss you."

Seulgi said in girly and spoiled voice. "I don't know why, but these days I always wake up early, I couldn't even sleep well at night. Maybe it's because you are not here by my side."

Seulgi thought her words would made Jimin comforted her. She waited for his response but Jimin was remained silent on the other side.

"Baby, are you there?"

Jimin used his finger to massage his forehead. "Yes."

He couldn't focus on what Seulgi was saying and completely absent-minded because he kept thinking about Y/N's appearance when she was leaving the room.

He was not in good mood and of course Seulgi could sense it. "Baby, what happened?"

"Nothing." Jimin kept replying with short sentences.

It was clearly his mind was not with her at this point. Although she was unsatisfied about it but she knew Jimin, she didn't want to asked any further because it would make him annoyed. She always knew how to deal certain conditions and knew what to say. That was the reason she could be by Jimin's side all these years.

"What did you say before?" Jimin finally asked her.

"I want to ask you, when are you coming back? I want you back here baby, how is the deal with your family?"

"I can't now."

"Why? Was the test-tube baby process failed?" She was somewhat anxious.

No matter what, Y/N was still Jimin's legal wife. Although he didn't have any feeling toward her and even hated her but if they kept being together everyday, the feeling might grow.

She felt a sense of crisis.

Jimin didn't tell her that the test-tube baby was discovered by Park Family members, but now since she asked, he thought there was no need to hide it anymore. After all, she would found out sooner or later.

"My family found out about that." Jimin hadn't finished his sentence, Seulgi intensely respond and cut him off "So you touched Y/N, right? You slept with her?"

Jimin really dislike when someone interrogated him, just like what Seulgi was doing now.

"Right." Jimin smoothly admitted, he didn't even deny it.

"How could you do this to me? How could you touch her? How could you do something like this to let me down?" Seulgi cried.

"Joon Min is my son, he is sick right now. I have to save him no matter what." Although, Jimin felt annoyed, but still patiently said his words.

"Should it be this way? There's no other way?" Seulgi's voice was still as emotional as before.

She already sacrificed and invested a lot of things in her relationship with Jimin, she didn't want him to ever leave her that was the reason she was angry, she didn't able to control and calm herself anymore.

"Y/N needs to give birth to the second child to help Joon Min and the best way to make her pregnant was this. The process of test-tube baby gonna took a lot of time anyway, Joon Min can't wait that long."

"Jimin! How could you" The moment he heard Seulgi cried, he really couldn't help but felt more gloomy.

With his cold voice he then said "We'll talk again when you're cooling down." He didn't wait for her reply and hung up the phone.

Seulgi immediately started calling him again, but it was rejected. His phone continually rang, so he simply turned it off, then he laid down on the bed, and trying to close his eyes but he was still annoyed.

Y/N went to the garden to stroll around. She kept thinking about Jimin's word, even though it was hurtful but it was indeed the truth. She was nobody to him. Why would he lend her the money? He had no obligation to help her anyway.

She thought their relationship was getting better where at least they could talk to each other without being in each other's throats. That was the reason she was brave enough to ask him. Jimin really was a confusing man. She didn't expect Jimin could say something so hurtful over it.

But now she understood that for Jimin, she was still and would always be that foxy woman who trapped him into this whole forced marriage with unwanted son, and that would never change. He just simply loathe her entire existence.

She sat down in the garden for awhile then went back. She stood in front of the bedroom's door and heard Jimin's call. She didn't want to stay in the room and listen to their conversation, so she turned her body and left.

She went to Joon Min's room and stayed there for a night.

The next day morning, Y/N stayed in Joon Min's room for a long time in purpose before she finally went back to her room.

She thought Jimin left to the office already. But when she opened the door, he was still there. She was startled and froze; didn't expect to see him there.

Jimin raised his brow. "It seems that you don't like to see me."

"No." Y/N pursed her lip and entered the room.

She passed by him and ignored him.

Jimin couldn't tolerate how she was ignoring him, so he gripped her wrist. She respond intensely, swiftly moved his hand away. Jimin's face became colder. "Y/N, what are you doing?"

Y/N didn't even know why she was so emotional, perhaps it was because his word last night that still lingered on her mind.

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