Chapter 80

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Because it was Joon Min's first time swimming, Y/N was pretty adamant on making sure he had all the gear he needed. She pulled out a pair of goggles and a swimming cap from the bag and tried to put them on Joon Min.

"Mom, I don't want to wear it." Joon Min pouted and put his hands on top of his head. He thought that he looked ugly when he was wearing the cap, so he shook his head to reject the idea.

Jimin had also finished changing his clothes; he reached over and lifted Joon Min up into his arms. "If he doesn't want to wear the cap it's okay, just let him be." He chuckled at Y/N's worried expression. "I'm here, what are you afraid of?"

Y/N nodded but handed Jimin inflatable arm floats. "Use this at least."

Jimin took it and his gaze fell on her body and frowned. "Why haven't you changed your clothes?"

Y/N hesitated a bit. Although she was fascinated by the magnificent sight of the infinity pool; but it was still water and she wasn't exactly fond of that. If she went in, she wouldn't be able to enjoy the view. She thought about it for a moment, but seeing Jimin and Joon Min both staring at her and waiting for an answer, she sighed defeatedly.


She replied before grabbing her swimsuit and heading into the changing room.

Jimin smiled and brought Joon Min to the swimming pool. He put Joon Min down before jumping into the shallow end of the pool first. He opened his arms and beckoned for Joon Min to jump in.

"Don't be afraid Joonie, dad will catch you." Jimin reassured him after seeing his hesitation.

At first Joon Min was a little bit afraid. He took a deep breath and looked at his dad who was waiting in the pool. He trusted that Jimin would catch him, so he stepped back a little before running to the edge and jumping into the pool with his eyes closed.

Joon Min felt the cold water envelop him and he held his breath expecting his head to go underwater. But before that could happen, he came into contact with a muscular body and strong arms wrapped around him; holding him up. Joon Min opened his eyes and saw Jimin smiling down at him proudly.

"That wasn't too bad was it?" Jimin beamed at the small boy who giggled back at him and shook his head. Jimin waded around in the shallow water for a bit to get Joon Min used to the water. "Should I put you down now Joonie?" Jimin asked. Joon Min nodded, but still grabbed onto Jimin's shoulders tightly.

Jimin grabbed the arm floats and put them onto Joon Min's arms before lowering him into the water slowly; still holding his torso firmly. The arm floats kept Joon Min's head above the water while Jimin supported him slightly.

"Try kicking your legs a bit. I can teach you how to swim properly once you get used to this." Jimin told Joon Min. The boy nodded and started kicking his feet slightly, helping keep his body more elevated above the water. "To float, just move your arms and feet." Jimin instructed. Joon Min laughed and moved his limbs more rapidly as Jimin let go of his waist; letting him float on his own.

"That's right Joonie, smart boy!" Jimin smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Dad, I'm swimming!" Joon Min shouted excitedly.

Y/N had already changed and was sitting on the sidelines watching the two play around. It was really a warm scene between father and son, and Y/N enjoyed the feeling that this was giving off. She went back to the changing rooms and grabbed her phone from the locker before returning to the poolside to snap several photos of the pair.

Joon Min noticed her and held onto Jimin, waving his hand toward her. "Mom, come join us!"

"Okay." Y/N replied, and returned back to the changing room to put her phone back. She returned to the poolside, stepping down onto the first step of stairs leading into the pool. Y/N froze in place as she felt the cold water on her feet. Even though it was barely just above the ankles right now she wasn't sure if she was willing to jump inside. She sat down on the step and let her legs rest in the water.

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