Chapter 13

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"You!" Jun Seo pointed at her, he was just so angry that he couldn't even say anything. He opened the door and went outside, Shin Ji was at the door noticing his expression. "What happened?"

Jun Seo was filled with anger, he groaned coldly and said "Ask that daughter of yours!"

Hearing this, Shin Ji face became pale and immediately trying to calm him down. "Don't be angry, let me talk with her."

Jun Seo didn't want to deal with it anymore, he just left.

Y/N get out of the study. "Mom, where is Joonie?"

"He is downstair, having his dinner with the maid. Now you come with me, I have something to talk."

Y/N followed her back inside the room. Shin Ji spoke bluntly: "Y/N, why don't you want to help your dad?"

"Mom, he...."

Shin Ji cut her off "I don't care what your reason is. He is your father, Y/N. No matter what he asked you to do you need to help him."

"Mom...." Y/N didn't know what to say anymore.

Shin Ji was not really physically and mentally healthy. Y/N didn't want to provoke her. Y/N could be careless about Jun Seo, but she could not do that to her mother as she was the one raised her. Moreover, when they were not in Song house, they were depended on each other for living, she was the only family she got.

Shin Ji didn't have make any mistake, her only mistake was she love Jun Seo too much; until she completely lost herself.

So for this man, she was willing to do anything, even if he repeatedly let her down, even if without status or part. For many years, she was enduring everyone spurn, to extend she was utterly isolated by her friends and families.

Y/N believed that Shin Ji still loved her. She is her mother.

It's not like Shin Ji didn't love Y/N, it just inside her heart, her daughter was not a match with her most loved man.

"Just do what he said, okay?" Shin Ji suddenly caught Y/N's hand, her eyes were both glared at her: "Why can you just think of me? I waited for him for many years and now I am with him, do you want to separate us? You want to separate us? Why does everyone to break us apart?"

Y/N looked at her and felt something wrong. She hastily used her hand to grip hold her shoulder: "Mom, take a deep breathe and listen to me...."

Yet Shin Ji shook her hand off, she continuously stepped backward. Y/N worried about her, she wanted to go forward and pull her stop. She didn't notice that Shin Ji was getting a long and thin rod, and suddenly she start hitting Y/N's back ruthlessly.

This was not the first time she hit Y/N. In the past, she would try to avoid it. But she knew now that the more she avoid it, her mood would more fluctuate. Her mental disease would relapse in a second, so she didn't avoid it.

Y/N thought she was getting better these past few years until this happened.

"How can you do something like that to me? My own daughter, why?" Shin Ji hit and yelled.

"Mom..." Y/N couldn't stand still, as hard as she tried even with her whole strength, she was hit until she kneeled on the ground.

Joon Min heard the noise from downstair, he hurriedly went upstair and peeked between door. He was so surprised by the painful scene and yelled. "Mom!"

He didn't quite understand what was going on but by the sound of it he knew it wasn't good; his mother was in pain. He knew that he needs to rescue her mom but when he was about to enter the room, he was hurriedly carried by the maid.

Song Family's was accustomed to this kind of situation, but Joon Min never knew.

Y/N saw Joon Min, she tried to hold the pain on her back then asked the maid. "Bring him down."

Jimin was in the car, his finger were somewhat fidgety when pulling his tie.

He didn't know how Grandma Park found out that Y/N came to the office to ask him go to Song's residence. Grandma ordered him to go and pick his wife and son.

He really didn't understand, what was so good about Y/N? Why was Grandma so protective of her?

He didn't know whether because she was old and muddled or it was Y/N's tricks were too brilliant. He couldn't help but wondering. Grandma always protected Y/N but never fond of Seulgi no matter what she was doing.

Jimin didn't really want to pick them up at the Song Residence, but he couldn't do anything about it.

He pursed his lips then took out his phone to call Y/N but she didn't answer. When he was about to hang up, suddenly someone picked it up. "Y/N"

It was not Y/N, but it was a sobbing boy. "Dad, where are you? Quickly, come...Mom"

Joon Min's voice was on and off, he was crying hard that his voice was hoarse.

Jimin's heart was hurt hearing his son's voice and somehow start panicked. "Joon Min, where are you? What happened? Where's your mom?"

"I'm in grandma's house. Grandma is hitting mom upstairs, she could die if Grandma keeps hitting her like that. Dad, come help..." He said between his sobbing voice.

Jimin didn't understand what was going on but hearing how Joon Min's sobbing and Y/N was not with him, he knew something was not right.

"Joonie, Dad will be there, be a good boy and don't cry. Everything's going to be okay."

Jimin said with a soft and comforting tone while sped up toward Song House.

He had visited to the Song house once, it was four years ago.

He depended on his memory about Song house's location, he drove as fast as possible. The maid opened the big door for him and he immediately went toward inside.

Jun Seo was drinking tea and reading a newspaper in the living room. He was startled by the sudden appearance. Whe he realized it was Jimin, he immediately he threw the newspaper on the table and smiled at Jimin "Jimin, You came. Why didn't make a call before you come?"

Jimin looked at him coldly. "Y/N?"

Jun Seo's face changed. "Y/N is upstair, she..."

Joon Min ran to Jimin when he saw him "Dad..."

Jimin bent down to carry him. He looked at his son's eyes was swollen red because of his crying, he wiped his tears and said "It's okay Joonie, don't cry anymore."


"Okay." Jimin carried him upstairs, Joon Min pointed at the room. Jimin dimly could hear to a distinct strange noise. He opened the door, but it was locked from the inside.

"Y/N..." Jimin patted at the door but didn't get any response.

Jun Seo was behind them and with his awkward face said "This is Y/N's mother bedroom, I believe they're talking. You know girls talk."

Talk? What talk could make Joon Min cry like this?

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