Chapter 81

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Jimin's hands were on her collarbone, gently caressing and stroking it. Y/N felt his hand going lower, it looked like he wanted to slip it into her swimsuit.

She grasped his hand hurriedly before it went too far. "Don't mess around, there are a lot of people here." Y/N flashed a quick glare at Jimin.

"It's dark, they won't notice."

Y/N couldn't believe this man. Indeed he always had bad intentions. She pushed Jimin's hands away from her chest and turned to leave.

Before she could leave his side, Jimin's arms embraced her waist and pulled her back slightly. This moment her butt was sticking close to his waist, their position a bit dangerous. "Park Jimin, let me go."

Jimin leaned in close to Y/N's ear, his soft lips just lightly brushing against it. "Let's go back to our room." He whispered seductively.

Y/N knew what was he thinking by suggesting to go back; she rejected him without a second thought. "I don't want to go back, I want to accompany Joonie."

"Taehyung will send him back, and Auntie Wang will take care of him." Jimin's voice deepened as he spoke in a low whisper. "You are slacking in work recently. We still haven't had any good news.."

This man knew how to use words that made Y/N incapable of refusing. Of course she wanted to be pregnant as soon as possible.

"Then just a bit later, now...." She didn't want to discuss this matter in a public, Y/N swallowed nervously: "It's too early..."

"It's already 8 PM. Don't you think that we have to work harder for Joon Min?" Jimin tightened his grip around Y/N's slim waist.

Y/N felt his tone was getting more and more bold. She shook her head, but he had pulled her out of the swimming pool before she could open her mouth to protest. Holding Y/N's wrist tightly in his grip, Jimin pulled her back to the seats to gather their belongings before turning to Taehyung. "Y/N and I have some matters to take care of so we will be leaving first. Please help us to take care of Joonie. Don't play too long, and send him back to Auntie Wang when you guys done."

"Okay, Mr Park."

Y/N could see Taehyung hold back a small smile; the corners of his lips curled up slightly before quickly coming down again. His handsome face was serious again as he nodded at Jimin.

He knew what they were leaving to do, it was too obvious..

Before the two exited the pool area, Y/N heard Joon Min ask Taehyung a question. "Where's Mom and Dad going?"

"To go make you a little brother or sister." Taehyung replied flatly.

Y/N could feel her face was burning. She didn't know how she would face Taehyung anymore.

When the two finally arrived back into their suite, Jimin let her hand go and smiled dangerously. "Do you want to know what's inside the box?"

Y/N felt uneasy towards Jimin's smug expression and shook her head quickly. "Not really, no."

Jimin laughed slightly. He didn't really care what her reply was; he would show her anyway.

"Sit here and wait for me."

After a moment, he came back with that box. He went over to Y/N and passed the box to her. "Open it."

Although Y/N said that she didn't want to look at it, she was obviously still somewhat curious.

She hesitantly opened the box and her gaze fell onto a stack of colorful condom wrappers.

Jimin reached over and picked up a red one: "This is strawberry scented...."

He put it down and took another one. "This is mango..."

"There is also honey, peach, grape... They just launched a fruit scented condom. Do you want to try it?" Jimin leaned over Y/N brazenly and smirked at her frozen state. "But we can't use it right?

Y/N stared at the box blankly, not really comprehending anything Jimin was saying.. She didn't expect that beer festival competition reward would be those condoms.

So it turned out the sponsor of the activity was an adult product brand?

This moment she realized, perhaps Jimin wanted to join the contest because from the start he had already looked at the sponsor.

Y/N dropped the box onto the bed before grabbing a pillow and burying her face in it in shame. She didn't want to see this man right now.

"Are you trying to suffocate yourself?" Jimin teased. He pulled the pillow away from Y/N playfully, exposing her cute beet red face. "What are you so ashamed for?"


"There are other things inside it."

"I don't want to look."

"Move the condoms away and look inside, maybe there's a surprise?" Jimin enticed her, glancing at the box.

Y/N looked at the box, but she was still unwilling to move it.

Jimin decided not to wait for Y/N anymore; reaching to push the pile of condoms away. There were several toys. Y/N looked at them without any surprise.

Jimin's finger hooked onto a thin fabric and swayed in front of Y/N. It was a very skimpy black lace lingerie set.

"Let's try something new." Jimin sat down on the bed next to Y/N and fixed his gaze on her.

"Go and change into this and give me a lap dance."

"A what?" Y/N's face was already red but she felt like she was on fire right now. She looked at the revealing outfit in shock. It looked like it would barely even cover a thing. Plus he also wanted her to give him a lap dance? She couldn't believe this man.

"Come on Y/N." Jimin purred charmingly, flashing her his captivating half smirk. "I know you're good at dancing.. You dance in front of other people, so why don't you want to dance in front of your husband?"

Y/N frowned at Jimin disapprovingly. She knew that If she did it once, he would ask for it again next time.

"Park Jimin, are you really this shameless?" Y/N couldn't get used to this man's perverted side. Jimin was normally cold and disaffectionate, how can he just act like this now?

Jimin tossed the lingerie towards Y/N's lap lightly. "Now be a good girl and change it quickly."

Y/N glared at him in protest, but as she opened her mouth to reject the idea again, her gaze fell upon something interesting in the box.

Y/N glared at him in protest, but as she opened her mouth to reject the idea again, her gaze fell upon something interesting in the box

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