Chapter 25

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This supposed to be the only sentences Jimin wanted to hear from her, but his face turned colder then he pursed his mouth and stayed silent.

Y/N ignored him, wiped her face, laid down with her back toward him, and pulled her blanket up.

Jimin stood there, stared at Y/N's back for a quite some time and at the end he turned his body and left the room.

He didn't know how could he say something like that, he was never a nosy person, Y/N's business was unrelated to him plus he didn't care about her so he didn't supposed to mind it.

But as it happened, he couldn't do it.

Not only he couldn't do it, instead every time he caught of a sight of her with Jungkook together, he immediately felt uneasy.

He also didn't really like the way Jungkook's looking at Y/N, all his gentleness and pampering attitude toward her, it looked like he was regarded her as the world's most precious treasure.

He certainly a madman.....

Jimin got into his car, leaned on the steering wheel, closed his eyes and used his hands to massage his head.

He felt it was obviously because his fight with Seulgi, it was the reason he felt like this and being emotional, it drove him to be completely confused.

That night, Jimin didn't go back to the Y/N's room and also didn't go home, he just spent the night in the car.

His phone rang and it woke him up. The sky was starting to get brighter as the sun was up.

His body was aching because he fell asleep on the car.

He wrinkled his brow and reached for him phone. He didn't even look at the ID, he just directly answered it.

The call was from Neon Yun: "Jimin, where were you going this early morning? Why were you not having your breakfast first before going to work?"

"No, yesterday I had problems to handle, so I went out."

Neon Yun stayed silent for a while: "Are you with Y/N now?"

Jimin didn't say anything, Neon Yun continued: "Jiminah, what did truly happen with you and Seulgi? She called me, she said that you didn't even answer to her calls..."

"I just think that she needs to be calm for a while, wait until she is calm then we will talk."

"She loves you Jimin, it is understandable for her to be sad for finding out your matter with Y/N, you need to be more understanding...." Neon Yun's tone was clearly showing her deep caring towards Seulgi .

But this moment, Jimin didn't have the patience to hear it, "Mom, I will handle my own problem, no need for you to intervene. If you have a lot of time to mind my business, it's better for you to care of Joon Min."

Even though he just got back from aboard, he could sense that Neon Yun was not fond of Joon Min at all, he didn't know if it was because the Y/N or there were another reasons.

Jimin didn't like people intervene with his problem, including his own mother.

Jimin didn't listen to Neon Yun's anymore, he hung up the phone and took his coat. He got off the car then went to Y/N room.

Although it was still early, but Y/N was already woke up. She didn't able to get a good rest last night and it made her face was still looking unwell.

When Jimin came, she was tidying up already because she afraid that Joon Min would be worry so she wanted to left the hospital as soon as possible.

Jimin's whole body had a strong aura, even though he just stood up in front of the door quietly, Y/N could felt his presence.

She didn't mind him and didn't even look at him. Because she realized, every time she interacted with him, it would end up in bad term.

The sole mutual agreement that they had was only on the bed. Clearly there was no feeling or whatsoever, but the funniest thing was their body was cooperative.

Y/N didn't say anything, Jimin also didn't say anything. He just stood there on the doorway and looked at her

Until a figure with white clothes, Jin, patted his shoulder and with suspiciously said: "What are you doing, why are you standing outside?"

Jimin didn't say anything.

"It's good that you are both here." Jin said: "Joon Min's doctor is wanting you meet you both."

Y/N startled, immediately stopped her movement, and with her soft voice that sounded a little bit shivering: "What happened?"

Jin smiled: "I supposed that he just want to chat about Joon Min's condition, it's nothing, just come to his office."

Jimin glanced at Y/N: "We will immediately go there."

After Jin left, they both went to Joon Min's doctor office.

This was about sixty years old specialized doctors which experienced of studying abroad, he kindly let them to sit on the chair: "Mr Park, Mrs Park, please sit down."

Y/N was thinking about Joon Min until she forgot to sit: "Doctor, is there any problem about Joon Min's illness?"

Doctor slight smiled: "Mrs Park, don't need to be to nervous. He's okay, but no matter what, his illness can't wait for long..." He used his long hand and pushed his glasses : "So I would like to ask Mr Park Mrs Park, do you have any good news yet?"

Y/N and Jimin both understood what the doctor's means with "good news" it was about the second child to help Joon Min.

On the way home, Y/N asked Jimin to stop at the drug store, she went in to buy a pregnancy test.

She was too afraid that something bad will happen to Joon Min, so she believed whatever the doctor said was true, Joon Min couldn't wait for long time.

She impatiently went to the restroom to use the pregnancy test as soon as they arrived home. But unfortunately she didn't pregnant.

She fell down on her knees and covered her disappointed face.

Why was it so hard to be pregnant? The first time she did it with Jimin, she directly pregnant with Joon Min.

She spent almost every night doing it with Jimin, but there was no any good news up until now.

Y/N stayed at the restroom for quite long time, the time she stood up she, she threw it to the trash. Then washed her hand and her face then she looked herself on the mirror. She took a deep breath, she knew Joon Min's illness could not wait any longer, she needed to be pregnant as soon as possible.

That night members of Park family were having a christmas dinner together, Joon Min was excited about all the gifts but he couldn't help but notice that there was no gift from Jimin, he was feeling disappointed but he already used to it. He never received anything from Jimin anyway but why did he feel sad?

Jimin didn't go home to eat dinner, Y/N heard that he had a business gathering.

Later that night Jimin went home, he directly went to his study room, he still had some matters to handle.

Y/N made him a cup of coffee, the time she passed by his study room, she hesitated there for a moment, feeling nervous of her plan also afraid if she would bother him if she knocked the door.

The time she was hesitated and paced back and forth, the door of the study room was opened.

Jimin stood on the doorway and looked at her: "You look for me?"

Y/N's heart was beating so fast at this moment, she responded vaguely for a while: "I made you a cup off coffee."


Surprise, nobody guessed that I might add 2 chapters today right?

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