Chapter 22

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"You should go to work."

"Don't control me."

Y/N stayed silent. Yes, his business was indeed unrelated to her, she also couldn't control him.

"Take off your clothes, it's time for medicine."

"No need to trouble yourself, I can do it by myself." Y/N's voice was still as gentle as before, but Jimin already lost his patience: "Okay, do as you wish." He took his coat and left the room.

She didn't have time to care about Jimin's attitude, because she had a lot of things to be managed.

After he left, Y/N changed her clothes and went to the studio. It had been a long time since the last time she came there, all the businesses were managed by Krystal these days because Y/N was busy taking care of Joon Min.

She was surprised seeing Y/N, she said: "Y/N, why are you here?"

"It's been awhile since the last time I visited, so I just want to look around." Y/N faintly replied, then she took her dancing suit and changed to it.

She bundled up her long hair and went to their private dancing room to dance for awhile.

Krystal was watching her on the other side, she couldn't help herself but fascinated by her dance. Y/N looked like a butterfly at this moment.

Although Y/N didn't inherit any of Shin Ji's music talent, but she had unique and special dancing talent. She was an expert in a lot of kinds of dancing. Every types of dance was easily learnt by her.

Y/N danced for quite some time until she had no more strength, then finally stopped. Krystal passed a bottle of water to her and laughed: "Jimin really is a stupid blind man to not treasured you."

Y/N's expression changed of the mention of his name. She opened the bottle and took a sip, but stayed silent.

Krystal suddenly remembered something: "How's your back? Doesn't it hurt to move?" Y/N shook her head and lightly said: "I'm okay."

Krystal finally noticed she was not really in a good mood: "Y/N, what happened? Did Jimin hurt you again?"


"It's your father then, what does he want this time?"

Y/N felt angry to hear his name, she didn't know how could father like him existed in this world.

She knew she couldn't hide anything from Krystal, so she simply told him the brief story, Krystal immediately got really angry: "One hundred million? Is he out of his mind? Did he ever think of you as his daughter?!"

Daughter? Y/N was laughing coldly in her heart then opened the bottle and drink it.

"Then what now? Jimin didn't want to lend the money, who's gonna lend you one hundred million?"

Krystal knew that Y/N was worried about Shin Ji, she would not care about Jun Seo.

"I still have around a couple hundred thousand, do you want to borrow it?"

Actually, their business had earned quite a lot of money these past few years but Krystal didn't really have self control for spending money, so she didn't have a lot at the moment.

"Krystal, you don't have to. Just keep your money. I will find a way." Y/N came here today because she wanted let out her anger by dancing and wanted to shared it to her because she thought she was about to went crazy keeping it all to herself, she was so frustrated.

"I still have something to do, I will leave now."

Y/N checked her money in bank account. She was different compared to Krystal who didn't really control her spending. These years she managed to saved some money, but still it was nothing compared to one hundred million.

Jun Seo called her: "Have you ask Jimin for the money?"

"I already asked but he didn't want to lend the money."

Jun Seo immediately reacted with loud voice: "Then what are you gonna do about it? Don't tell me you will just watch our family destroyed? If I go to prison, it will definitely drives your mother insane!"

"Enough!" Y/N didn't like how he repeatedly say this thing: "I will find a way."

"Find a way?" Jun Seo laughed coldly: "This is one hundred million, it's not one thousand or hundred thousand! It's better for you to listen to me and ask Jimin again..." He didn't even finished his sentence but Y/N already hung up the phone.

She really didn't want to listen to him anymore, it only made her more frustrated.

After getting out the bank, she sat down inside her car. She didn't immediately started her car then she opened the drawer.

She took out a folder with house certificate inside. This house was her grandparent's inheritance for her. Shin Ji didn't even know the existence of this house. That time her grandparents didn't want to tell Shin Jj because they knew that she was all over heels for Jun Seo, they were afraid that if they handed the house to her, she would transfer the ownership to Jun Seo without the slightest hesitation.

Y/N leaned forward and rested her head on the steering wheel, her heart was really sad because she unexpectedly had to use this house. But she wouldn't sell this house, just wanted to used it for a loan, she wanted to see how much money she could borrow with this house.

Y/N was busy for a whole day. The administrations of this kind of thing were not easy, she went here and there and now she still needed to wait for the evaluation from the bank.

The sky was already dark when she went back to the Park house. Every member of Park Family was having a dinner, even Jimin, for the first time he went home on time for dinner.

"Where did you go? Don't you know that everyone is waiting for you? You don't have any manner!" Neon Yun said.

"I went to the studio for a while." Y/N couldn't said she was running around to get the money for Jun Seo.

"With all the things that's been happening, you still have a mood to go to work?"

"Enough!" Grandma said to Neon Yun then turned her head and said: "Okay, Y/N, you come here and eat your dinner. Next time, don't go home this late, okay?"

"Okay, grandma." It was only Grandma that sincerely kind to her in this family.

She sat beside Jimin, but this man only gave a cold glance to her.

Y/N ignored him, lowered her head and ate her dinner. But his eyes set fixed on her made her more and more uncomfortable, that she didn't even able to ignore it.

She didn't really enjoy the dinner because she didn't really have an appetite. With a difficulty, she finally finished her dinner.

Y/N didn't want to go back to her room to face Jimin so as usual she went to the Joon Min's room first. After he was asleep, she went back to the her room.

When she entered the room, she accidentally heard Jimin on the phone with Seulgi. They seemed to be in a fight because Jimin's face and tone were not really good at all, eventhough he was trying to remain calm.

Y/N couldn't care less about them then took her pajamas and went to the bathroom. She filled in the bathtub and laid inside.

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