Chapter 29

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She was blushing and accepted the bouquet: "Thank you."

"There are 99 roses, dad especially chose it, he said it means I will love you til the day I die

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"There are 99 roses, dad especially chose it, he said it means I will love you til the day I die." He paused: "Mom, do you like it?"

It was clearly that he was the one ordered 99 flowers, but now he said it was Jimin's intention.

Joon Min took that idea from his great grandma's story. Great grandpa always bought her 99 of roses for her birthday, she said that it means I will love you until the day I die. That was great grandpa always said to great grandma. He thought it was romantic and he wanted his father did that to his mother as well.

"I like it." Y/N nodded. Red roses was actually her favorite flower.

"So today is unnie's birthday? Sorry, we all don't know about it. Happy birthday unnie." The people surround her said it all together.

"Thank you."

Y/N was a low-key person, so she didn't really mind about these things, so for her birthday, she also would only have dinner with Krystal and Jungkook.

These people were very understanding, so after wishing her to have a happy birthday, they all left altogether.

In a split second, there were only three of them left.

Jimin said: "Let's eat dinner together."

"Okay." Y/N passed Joon Min to him: "Please wait here for me for a while, I will change my clothes first."

Y/N went to the dressing room, Joon Min leaned to Jimin, he blinked his eyes and said: "Dad, is mom's dancing beautiful?"

This moment Jimin's mind was full of an image of Y/N's beautiful dancing, his heart felt like it was strike for a while, he nodded: "Beautiful."

"Mom is really good at dancing, Sa Rang also like to see her dancing."

"Sa Rang?"

"My kindergarten's friend, she is the most annoying, she likes to follow people, and likes to follow us around...." Although this moment Joon Min said that he was annoyed, but his expression didn't show any bit of impatient.

Since it was christmas, so earlier Jimin worried there would be no seat for them. So he already commanded his assistant to reserve the seat.

After the dinner, here's come the cake. Inside the private room, the lights were out. Then, the waiter pushed a cake with candles inside, and they sing happy birthday.

After the cake was pushed inside he looked at that cake, he said: "Mom, hurry up make a wish."

Joon Min continuously asked her to make a wish, so she closed her eyes. Of course, she wished that her forever most important people would always be safe. Especially for Joon Min, to be able to grow up healthily.

After she made a wish, together with Joon Min, they blew the candles. Then the light inside the room brighten again.

Joon Min asked the waiter to take a picture of them but Y/N's phone died so Jimin pulled out his phone and gave it to the waiter.

"Let me see." After seeing it, Joon Min felt satisfied.

Jimin looked at it and it somehow made his heart warm. Their first picture together as a family.

There was a piano inside the private room, Joon Min has a little idea and said: "Dad, go play the piano and sing for mom"

Jimin without hesitation went to the piano and start playing a song, he wanted to be a singer back then, he even wrote a few songs.

He started to sing his own song, called promise.

They had never known that he had this kind of talent.

Jimin continuously sing the song while playing the piano until the end, then went back to his seat.

Joon Min was behaving like his biggest fan, he kept on clapping his hand and showed his big thumb: "Dad, it was amazing."

Jimin smiled. Y/N was raising her head, and their gaze met. Her long eyelashes trembled for a while, then panickly she shifted her gaze.

It appeared like she was caught off doing something, so she was blushing.

Jimin knew that she was secretly peeked at him!

Jimin took a sip of his red wine, but his eyes never left from Y/N.

Joon Min placed his own gift and passed it to Y/N: "Mom, this is my present to you."

Y/N opened the boxes and from inside she took out the wind chime hand-made by Joon Min. It was all consisted of shells. Although it was not really good, but it was Joon Min's hardworking and heart.

One time when he went to the Song Family house, he accidentally noticed her collection chest. There was a lot of shells inside. She said that she liked to go to the beach to pick shells when she was little. She didn't expect him to remember and moreover secretly picked this much shells to make her a wind chime.

This moment Y/N placed the wind chime on her hands, her eyes were somewhat teary. She kissed and kissed Joon Min's little face: "Joonie, thank you. Mom really loves it."

Joon Min hugged her and with his little soft voice whispered to her ear: "Mom, dad also prepared a present for you."

Y/N looked at the bouquet of red roses beside her, she thought she had received Jimin's present, the fresh flowers, song, cakes, and dinner.

Y/N was so happy today, Joon Min also felt it. His mood was good today, after the dinner, he didn't ready to go home, he still wanted to go to pedestrian street to stroll.

There always full of people in pedestrian street. Even if it was this cold winter, there would still be a lot of people around.

Jimin didn't like of this kind of environment, so Y/N thought he would reject it. She didn't expect him to agree and also very patiently accompany them to stroll for a night.

Because Joon Min's illness, so he couldn't eat carelessly. But the pedestrian was full of various of snacks and food bazaar. The smells of food were everywhere. Joon Min leaned forward and resting his upper body on Y/N's embrace and straightly looked at her eyes....

He was a little foodie, but since his illness, his diet was restricted, there are a lot of food couldn't be eaten by him.

This moment Y/N felt heart broken, she tightly hugged Joon Min: "Joonie, wait until you are healthy, then you can eat everything you want, okay?"

Joon Min so understandingly said: "Okay."

Although Joon Min didn't eat what he wanted, yet he bought a lot of things he wanted, so he still felt satisfied. He didn't feel tired, he was playing with his little toys when they were back in the car.

Arrived at the Park family house, Y/N went to the Joon Min's room to help him take a bath. She waited until he was asleep then went back to the room.

Joon Min kept on pulling on her hand and said: "Mom, dad still has present for you."

Y/N asked him of what kind of present was it, and he just covered his mouth and didn't share it, he said that it would not be a surprise then.

When Y/N went back to her room, Jimin was in the bathroom taking a bath. Then she charged her dead phone.

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