Chapter 47

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"I already called him. He said he will be here soon. I will call him again."

Joo Hyuk finished his sentence, took out his phone and called Jimin.

It took a long time for Jimin to answer it and it made Joo Hyuk became more irritated and couldn't help but felt more filled with anger: "Park Jimin, what are you doing? I told you to come to the hospital immediately, do you know that your son had an accident? Why haven't you come here?"

Jimin coughed for several time and his breath was somewhat heavy, even Joo Hyuk noticed something wrong with him: "What happened to you?"

"I'm okay..." Jimin finally said, but his voice was strange.

"I will be there."

He finished his sentence and hung up.

The whole family was waiting outside the operation room. The little boy who was fighting with Joon Min was also there with his family, The Choi family. How could they don't know the influence of Park family in this city. Although, their family was quite good, but  they couldn't be compared to The Parks. If something happened to Joon Min, Choi family would take the consequences of their whole family would suffer a calamity.

Mr Choi pulled his own son and wife to summon up their courage to move forward: "We take our little son to apologize, he didn't do it in purpose, we...."

He still wanted to say something, but Grandma took a glance at him, it made him forgot what he wanted to said, he actually shivered because he was afraid.

Grandma pointed to the corner: "You stay there nicely, you all better go pray that our Joonie will be okay. If not, I will let your whole Choi Family members' life to suffer that you wished to be dead."

Mr Choi and Mrs Choi's face was so shocked, Mrs Choi was somewhat not accepting the threat, she didn't care about her husband obstruction: "Mrs Park, Joon Min was the one who started the fight. My son is just a little boy, he didn't know that he is not in a good condition. Also there are a lot of bruises on my son's face because it was hit by him."

Grandma laughed coldly: "Then do I need to compensate you for medical expenses?"

Mr Choi pulled her wife hurriedly: "Mrs Park, what are you talking about..." Then he glared at his wife.

"Don't use your kid's age to be an excuse and said that he didn't understand it. If he could say something like that, then who teaches him?!"

"I'm truly sorry...." Mr Choi nodded incessantly.

"Now, hurry up go to the corner. It's best that you kneel down and pray for Joonie!"

There were a lot going on recently and after getting mad at the Choi family, she was about to fell. Joo Hyuk supported her swiftly and led her to sit down on the chair: "Mom, pay more attention to your health."

Grandma waved her hand, to indicate that she was okay.

Hearing a quick steps, everyone was looking at the corridor, it was Jimin finally appeared.

He looked different with the usual Park Jimin, he looked in a difficult situation.

The weather outside was below zero temperature, but he didn't wear any coat, he only wore a black shirt and there was a strip of bloody injury on his forehead, the blood was flowing out and sticking to his hair.

But he seemed to ignored it and just simply wiped that blood.

But Neon Yun noticed his appearance, she said shockingly: "Jiminah, what happened to you?" She took out a tissue to help him wipe the injury on his forehead.

Jimin moved away her hand: "I'm okay, I just had a little accident.

Joo Hyuk realized that Jimin might just had an accident when he was calling him for the second time.

Neon Yun frowned: "This is not okay"

But Jimin ignored her and looked toward Y/N, who who was standing in front of the operation door.

Y/N's eyes stared closely to that closed door, it looked like she didn't even aware of her surroundings, she didn't even notice that Jimin was coming toward her.

"Y/N." Jimin called her with a low voice.

But she didn't respond, she didn't even turn her head.

Jimin reached his hand to hold her hands. But when he was just touched her hand slightly, she shook off his hand fiercely and retreated a few steps backwards, she was so guarded against him.

"What happened to you?"

"Don't touch me, don't you touch me..." Y/N said.

She was thinking, Joon Min was in trouble because of her. Because he wanted to protect her, because he couldn't accept and restrain himself to hear someone said bad things about his mother so he just fought with that kid.

She sank into this kind thinking and unable to extricate herself.

"Y/N!" Jimin's voice was getting heavier and wrinkled his eyebrows. He looked at Y/N's appearance, his heart immediately felt hurt.

Because he also didn't expect something like this would happen, he just met Joon Min this afternoon at the bakery and he was just fine, but tonight something bad happened to him that he laid down in operation room.

He was in an important meeting when Joo Hyuk called, then without caring about anything else, he wanted to rush to the hospital. He also didn't aware how fast he drove his car. He just knew he didn't notice the traffic light and then he was hit by a car.

His body was leant forward, his head knocked on the steering wheels.

When Joo Hyuk called him for the second time, he was struggling to unfasten the seatbelt. He didn't wait for the police, he just called Taehyung to deal with that matter. He then getting in the taxi and asked the driver to used his fastest speed to rush him to the hospital.

The operation's door finally opened, Y/N was the first one who rushed forward. She gripped tightly to doctor's wrist: "Doctor, how is he?"

He took off his mask, with his grave expression, he said: "Joon Min's condition is not very optimistic. I've said to you earlier, what he need was a fully relax condition and to maintain an optimistic and happy environment, he can't be in the intense and sad mood..."

Y/N's whole body was frozen, huge pain was engulfed her.

"Doctor, then what to do now? You should be able to help him, doctor...." Grandma said.

Doctor nodded: "Mrs, don't worry. We will be put our best effort, but because of this situation, so we need to hold a big meeting, to discuss which step we should take, but...."

Doctor paused for a moment, then looked at everyone: "We can only do our best, but we cannot guarantee he can regain his consciousness so I hope you can be mentally prepared...."

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