Passing By

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"Can I get you anything, sir? Tea or coffee?", Nadine asked Jon the next morning who was sitting in the lounge area, neglecting the fact he already had coffee sitting by the table alongside his paperwork.

"I'm ok.", Jon smiled pleasantly to her as Nadine nodded, trying to think of something else to say, so she could stay a little bit longer and stare at him.

"So you're here for work?", she smiled as Jon nodded.

"Yeah, boring old work.", Jon said, "And I have a lot of it.", he said, kindly hinting for her to go away. She was smoking hot, and hadn't he not had the work, he would have asked her to join him for coffee, even though she technically had to work to do too.

"Then you should eat something.", Nadine said, "Can I get you anything from the kitchen?", she smiled.

"Its ok.", Jon assured her a little more firmly, I'll grab something on my way out.", he said.

"Ok." Nadine smiled, "Well if you need anything, I'm just over at the desk." She pointed as Jon nodded and smiled, watching her walk away as he turned back to his work, going through his folders whilst his phone vibrated every two seconds. Hadn't he got lots of satisfaction and money through his job, he wouldn't still be in it, but he always didn't sit through five years of law school to become an engineer either.

He sat for a little while longer before he gathered his things together and headed out of the hotel, walking by reception and out the main doors, walking by two maids who were walking into the hotel for their shift. It was probably the two he saw yesterday, but he was in a rush and didn't bother to look or say anything.

"Did you feel that?" Cass asked, walking into the reception with Sage, a coffee in hand.

"Feel what?", Sage turned to her.

"That big dick energy", Cass said, "That man is reeking of it." She smirked and laughed as Sage just shook her head.

"It's too early, Hoe." Sage shook her head.

"It's never too early for sexy men." Cass corrected her, "I wonder what he's here for. Work obviously but… what kind of work?" She asked herself.

"He's probably a journalist or something." Sage said, not really interested in taking the conversation further. They always had their gossips about the hotel guests of course, but she wasn't up to it today, "I just wanted to stay in bed today with Milo." She sighed.

"If Milo was an attractive, wealthy, funny young man then I'd agree. But he's a dog." Cass said.

"And he's beautiful." Sage told her as they walked through to reception.

"Uh… girls." Nadine called in her shrill voice as Sage and Cass turned to her annoyed.

"What?" Cass said.

"The lady's restroom? Can you actually do it this time?" She smiled, taking all the pleasure in the world that she sat behind a desk greeting guests whilst they had to clean.

"We're not cleaners.", Sage snapped, "We're maids."

"Oh, it's the same damn shit." Nadine shrugged, "Just do it. The boss wants it done." She said as Sage just rolled her eyes and stormed off where Cass followed.

"I can't wait till I win the lottery so I can shove my foot up that hoes ass. No lip having ass bitch, titties look like a fucking raw chicken cutlets. She can suc--",

"CASSANDRA!", Sage shouted not letting Cass finish her rant.

"Babes I hate her too and I wish I didn't have to see her this early in the morning, but you need to calm down." Sage said as they entered the elevator that was filled with people.

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