Found Out

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"You ok?" Jon asked, sitting at the island in the kitchen later that night as Sage came through the kitchen in her bath robe. Her brown skin looked dull and he was worried about her. He did find it strange that the window had opened up from inside, but his immediate thought wasn't that there was someone in the house, but it was for Sage, and that upset him that she immediately thought the worst of things. And then she almost flooded the whole bathroom. But eventually she had her bath.

"I'm ok." Sage nodded to him, "I'm… I'm not that hungry." She shook her head, looking on at the Chinese food he had ordered that she had requested, suddenly feeling sick at the thought of eating anything.

"That's ok. You can heat it up if you want some later." He said, "Did the bath help?" He asked her.

"I almost fell asleep in it." She smiled to him, "I uh… I actually think I'm gonna just go to bed." Sage said, feeling extremely tired after all the over-time her brain had done since she got home, and not to mention at the scan she had.

"It's 8pm." Jon raised a brow as she nodded.

"I know but… it's been a long day. I just want to sleep." She said, "I want to be fresh for looking after Bella tomorrow." She said, "Maybe that's the reason I-I got all worked up there about the window. I can get like that if I'm tired." She said truthfully, even though she really did feel like someone was in the room with her the second time she'd gone in.

"Don't worry about it." Jon nodded, "You just got a fright. When those windows open it's big and scary and the wind didn't help." He said, "You're safe here." He assured her as she smiled.

"I know I am." Sage nodded to him, "If you're not doing anything down here, why don't you come to bed with me?" She asked him, walking over to him and wrapping her arms around his neck, "I sleep better when you're beside me." She told him truthfully as he smiled.

"Ok." Jon nodded. It was an offer he couldn't refuse, and he felt pretty tired himself from the work he'd done for Lance while Sage was working, "I'm picking Bella up at 4 tomorrow so while you're at call I'll get this place sorted." He said, "She's a pretty easy-going kid. Loves pizza and movies. We should probably survive the night I'd say." He said, "Although, she likes sleeping in my bed."

"It's not like there's no other rooms in the house." Sage smirked a little.

"True." Jon nodded, "You go on up. Can I bring you a coffee up?" He asked her, standing up from the stool.

"Yeah, that sounds great." Sage smiled, suddenly remembering glancing at one of those terrifying baby books and remembering that her caffeine intake had to be decreased, "Uh actually… can I have a hot chocolate?" She asked as Jon nodded.

"Coming up." He said as Sage smiled, walking off down the hallway and upstairs. She just wanted to cuddle into her boyfriend under the covers and peacefully rest her spinning mind. She knew it was so wrong to be carrying on like nothing was going on when she should have been telling him about the baby, but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She was just so scared of his reaction that she prepared not to provoke it from him. But she knew it was so incredibly wrong, and the longer she kept it a secret, the more consequences she knew she'd face.


"She's got everything in her bag. I made a note of the things she's allergic to, it's in her bag too, just in case." Renee smiled the next day, standing with Jon while Dean strapped Bella into her car seat in Jon's car, "She can also break out in a little rash on her elbows at night time so there is cream there, she'll know which one it is." Renee said as Jon just nodded, "And thanks for looking after her. She adores spending time with you and it's not very often you're one of the options for babysitter." She said as Jon smiled.

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