Stay Away

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The next day, Jonathan had left the house, letting Sage know he was going to work to pick up a few things. She decided she was going to take a mid-day sleep, since she was feeling a little sore from all the sudden movement she'd been making at home. Jon told her to take it easy, and so that's what she was going to do. He left her with a cup of tea in bed and headed on out.

He wasn't planning to lose his cool with Lance like last time. He was wondering if maybe this time, he could just have a normal conversation with him and at least try and understand what his thought process was, and why he conveniently showed up when it was only Sage around.

He headed into his office, having to stop to talk to a few people before who congratulated him and asked for an update on the twins. He was thankful that he could give positive news.

He eventually got to his office where Lance was already in, standing looking out the window with his hands in pockets.

He eventually got to his office where Lance was already in, standing looking out the window with his hands in pockets

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"Hey." Lance smiled as Jonathan shut the office door over and looked over at him, "How are things?" He asked as Jon nodded.

"Things are good." Jon said, "Babies are doing good. Sage is doing good." He said, "I'm doing good."

"Great." Lance said, "I'm so glad to hear that, man."

"Yeah." Jon nodded, placing his hands in his jean pockets, "Look, I'm not here to lose my shit with you. Quite frankly, I'm too tired." He admitted, "But this whole thing where you… show up when I'm not there. Whether it's my house or the hospital, and you act like you're my girlfriend's best friend… I don't like it, and I also don't understand it." Jon said as Lance looked across at him and folded his arms, "You understand why I'm weary of you around her, right?" He said.

"Because I have affairs?" Lance laughed a little, "I would never go behind your back. I'm just… I'm just trying to be a good friend. It just so happened that you weren't at the hospital when I went to visit. How would I have known you wouldn't be there?" He shook his head, "You're… You're overthinking things way too much."

"I thought that." Jon said, "But then I realised I wasn't, because things don't add up whenever you're around Sage. The things you say. The excuses and lies you make. Don't you think I notice them?" He said as Lance just shook his head.

"Jonathan, I don't know what you're talking about." Lance said, "This is… This is getting exhausting." He said, "Just because you've bagged yourself a pretty good-looking girl, doesn't mean everyone wants a piece of her."

"I'm not insinuating that." Jon said firmly, "I'm saying that you're making me nervous, and this whole… friend, shoulder to cry on, sincere act might work on her, but it doesn't with me, because I know what you do to get women into bed." Jon said, "And I know that you have a God damn family at home. A wife. Kids. People who love you and think you're the greatest guy ever, and you're out there with hookers and random girls and vulnerable girls." He shook his head, "It's disgusting."

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