Getting Over You

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"Why won't you let me go?" Sage asked, "Why are you doing this?" She shook her head, looking up at Cass as she sat in the bare living room of her apartment.

Milo had been locked into the bare bedroom. She was utterly shocked and hurt that Cass was behaving in this manner. Almost like they couldn't be separated. They were always good friends. But it really wasn't that deep. At least Sage didn't think so.

She couldn't bear to think of Jon's voice on the phone. The disappointment and the sadness, and almost the disbelief. She didn't expect him to not get on the flight, but a part of her only hoped he'd sensed the strangeness in her tone, and had come to suss things out on why she suddenly didn't want to come.

"Because you should be here." Cass told her simply, "We need to be together, Sage." Cass nodded as Sage looked up at her and shook her head.

"You-You could always visit me." Sage said, "Cass, I've had this planned. I've had all my stuff moved to Chicago. I've got job interviews to help get me on my feet when I get there… I just… you just made me lie to Jonathan."

"Oh, Jonathan this, Jonathan that." Cass shook her head, "Jonathan was only with you for one thing, and I think we both know what it was." She said, "We've been with each other for five years, Sage. Five years. You can't leave. Not now. Not ever." She said as Sage gulped.

"Cass, is something wrong? Are you in trouble?" Sage wondered. She couldn't figure out why Cass was acting this way. It was almost like she was insane.

"No, I'm not in trouble." Cass scoffed, crouching down, meeting her face close to Sage's, "I just love you, that's all. And I don't think you need to leave. You should be here with me." She smiled, cupping Sage's cheek as Sage looked across at her, "We've always got along so well, don't you think? We're inseparable." She smiled, shifting her hand from Sage's cheek, grazing it along her thigh as Sage tried to shuffle away but couldn't.

"Stop it." Sage shook her head, " Girl why are you acting like this?" She said.

"We deserve each other." Cass nodded, "Jonathan doesn't know you. And you don't know him. We are all each other is going to need." She said as Sage gulped, suddenly realising that Cass wasn't talking on behalf of a friendship they had, but something more.

"I'm supposed to be on a plane to Chicago right now." Sage warned, "Please… Please just let me go. We can talk about this. Properly." Sage nodded, trying to reason with her as Cass shook her head.

"No. I tried and I tried to put you off him. But no… you think he's some… prince who is gonna pick you up and take you to a better life." Cass said, "No. That's not how it's gonna work." She said, "You need to be here with me."

"Cassandra, I know we are… we are best friends, and that wasn't gonna change just cause I was moving." Sage said, trying to think of the right things to say.

"Best friends?" Cass smirked, "Oh, you are more than just my best friend, Sage." Cass nodded, "I think about you all of the time. Ever since we met. I think about you in the shower… in bed… naked." Cass smiled.

"What?" Sage's voice broke under her. The scary part was, Cass wasn't even joking. She could see how serious she was being, and suddenly she was questioning just how friendly she had been to Cass over the past few years, but she had never given her any impression that she was interested in her or any girls for that matter. She was suddenly a little frightened.

"I was watching you and him in the bathroom last week. I only pretended to knock so you wouldn't think I was there." Cass said, "I could make you feel like that… even better." Cass nodded as Sage shook her head.

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