Mother Knows

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"Jonathan?" Renee called as she walked into Jon's house which appeared to be opened. She was on her way to the hospital for her shift, and since she was passing his house, she figured she'd leave a little early and say hi, "Jonathan?" She called on him again, walking into the living room, pausing and folding her arms as she saw him crashed out on the couch.

There was a bottle of wine on the coffee table with an empty glass beside it, and it looked like his white shirt was stained with some of the red wine.

She walked over to him, using her foot to nudge him as he opened one eye and woke up, yawning loudly as Renee rolled her eyes, "It's 3pm."

"Shut up." Jon opened his eyes wide, "Is it?"

"No, It's 8." Renee grinned as Jon scoffed, "I assume someone stayed over?" She nodded to the wine.

"No." Jon shook his head, rubbing his hands over his face as he sat up on the couch, "No, I invited her around, she brought wine, I realise I didn't even wanna... do anything and she threw her glass over me and left."

"That explains your stained shirt." Renee nodded, "Send it along to me and I'll get the stain out. Bella stains things all the time."

"I'm not two." Jon scoffed, "But I will send you it." He nodded as she smiled.

"Nice to see you back." She smiled to him as Jon just nodded, "So what happened last night? Not in the mood?" She wondered, picking up the wine and reading the label to see if it was something she'd drink, "Who did you even call?"

"Nah. I was tired and... I just wasn't feeling it." Jon shook his head, "It was just... some girl." Jon shook his head, "I'd slept with her before. She gave me her number. Said she didn't do dates, she just liked sex." He shrugged.

"And you thought that was a perfect number to save in your phone." Renee shook her head.

"I saved her as Kim sex on my phone." Jon nodded to her.

"I don't know why I'm surprised." Renee said, "But I thought we were seeing the new you." She said, sitting the wine down, "Dean told me Sage didn't come with you. He said you seemed pretty upset about it."

"I'm not upset." Jon shook his head, "I did like her." He nodded, "Really liked her." He mumbled.

"So why didn't you ask her why she changed her mind so suddenly. I mean... you told us she was up for it. I was excited to meet her." She admitted as Jon nodded.

"Well she changed her mind." Job said, "She has bipolar disorder." Jon told her as Renee nodded slowly, "Not that I'm blaming that but... maybe it's a contributing factor, you know? Maybe she just... couldn't bring herself to come. I gotta... I gotta respect that." He nodded.

"Are you not gonna call her?" Renee asked.

"I have no reason to call her." Jon shrugged, "She told me she'd changed her mind and she didn't want to come anymore, that I should just go on the plane and leave." He shrugged, "So that's what I done."

"I'd phone her if I were you. If you like her, which is a big deal for you since you don't take to many females, then you should ask her why she didn't come. Maybe she just needed some reassurance." Renee shrugged.

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