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Once Sage got home that night, she locked herself in her room, with the hopes that she'd never have to come out. Ever again. She still felt flushed, and her mind was spinning. She just about made it to the kitchen on stable ground, popping her pills out and quickly swallowing them over, stumbling back into her bedroom and collapsing on top of the bed, in hopes she would fall asleep and be taken from her sheer paranoia and embarrassment.

She slept right through until morning, waking up still in her clothes from last night, gazing at the digital clock on her bedside table and scrambling to her feet as she saw she was an hour late for work already. She hadn't even got the chance to put her phone in charge from last night, but she'd assume there was plenty of missed calls from Cass and the hotel itself.

She quickly showered and got into her uniform, rushing out of the apartment and getting to the hotel as fast as she could.

"Sage?" Nadine called over as Sage tried to rush in behind different guests, but clearly she had been spotted.

"Mhm?" Sage paused, looking over at Nadine.

"There are two officers over there." She pointed to the lounge area, "Since you were in the building, on the floor of the robbery, they want to talk to you." She said as Sage just nodded nervously.

"Do you know what happened yet?" Sage asked her whilst walking over to the desk, sitting down her things before going to speak to the officers.

"Two robbers came in through the side window, a woman was shot but she's being treated in hospital. So far, they've not been caught." Nadine shrugged as Sage nodded, "Did you see anything?" Nadine whispered.

"I didn't see their faces. Just them running out of the room." Sage said as Nadine nodded.

"Best just to tell them everything then." Nadine said as Sage nodded, never having been comforted by Nadine before. It was a strange feeling.

She then walked over to the two officers standing in the lounge area and introduced herself, shaking their hands politely, "Miss Wilson, please take a seat." The officers encouraged, sitting down themselves as Sage sat down across from them with the table in between them.

"This won't be long, will it? I… I just have a lot of rooms to clean." Sage admitted light-heartedly.

"We won't take up much of your time." One officer said, "We just need you to tell us what you saw last night." He said as Sage nodded.

Meanwhile, Jon had gotten ready for a day of work outside the hotel, coming down the elevator and heading over to the front desk. He was hoping he would have bumped into Sage this morning, to make sure she got home ok last night. She seemed so frantically disturbed that he hadn't slept thinking about her travels home… and there was the kiss of course.

"Morning." Nadine smiled to Jon who just nodded to her.

"Morning." Jon said, "Can you call a taxi for me? Or… give me the number of any local ranks?" He asked.

"I'll call you one." Nadine said, "For just now?" She assumed.

"Please." Jon smiled, watching her lift the reception telephone whilst he looked around, suddenly spotting Sage sitting with two officers, standing up straight and gazing over.

"Done." Nadine smiled as he turned back to her.

"Thanks." Jon nodded to her, "How… How long have they been talking to her?" Jon nodded over to Sage.

"Two minutes. She just got in. I gave her a pass since she's probably a little shaken up from last night." Nadine nodded, "She told me she didn't see faces or anything so… she's probably no use to them anyway." Nadine shrugged, "Your taxi will be here in five minutes." She told him.

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