Help Me

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"So you called her?" Renee asked the next day, getting Bella ready to go stay with Jon for the night. Dean was working and it was Renee's day off, so Jon had gone around to the house to collect his niece to come stay with him.

"Yeah but she never answered. I just had to leave a message." He said, "I get the feeling she doesn't want to speak to me if she's trying to move on." Jon shrugged, "And I don't want to look desperate." He said.

"You don't look desperate. You look like you care." Renee nodded while folding Bella's clothes into her little backpack while the two-year-old sat watching the TV, eager for her mother to pack her bag so she could go stay with her uncle for the night, "Would you even consider going to see her?"

"I don't know." Jon rubbed his face tiredly, "If she wanted any contact with me, she would have answered her phone or called me back at least." Jon said, "I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna burden her." He said.

"I just find it so strange." Renee shook her head, "How she was... so ready to go with you, and it was obvious you cared about each other, and then... and then she just changed her mind."

"Maybe she was getting back at me for what I done to her in court." Jon shrugged, "It's really not in her nature but it could be a possibility."

"I don't think so, somehow." Renee shook her head.

"C'mon, mommy." Bella whined, jumping down from the couch as she tugged on her mother's arm, "Can I go?"

"Yes, you can." Renee smiled, standing up straight and passing along her overnight bag to Jon, "You need to behave for Uncle Jon, ok?" She said, crouching down to Bella, brushing the hair from her face, "You call me before you go to bed, ok?" She said as Bella nodded.

"Ok, mommy. Can I go?" Bella pleaded as Renee smiled.

"Alright alright." Renee laughed at her eagerness, planting a kiss on her cheek and standing back up straight, "You can go." She nodded as Jon smiled, watching Bella run to the front door and wait for Jon, "Please look after my baby." Renee said as she walked over to Jon who nodded.

"I will." Jon smiled.

"And stop trying to think of reasons to give up on this woman. You're still hung up on her, and if it means you go to New Jersey to... talk to her, then so be it." Renee said, "You have something good, you don't let go of it." She said as Jon smiled.

"Right now, I just wanna spend some time with my niece." Jon nodded as Renee smiled, "I'll bring her back home tomorrow afternoon time." He said as Renee nodded, letting them leave and waving goodbye.


"Comfy?" Jon smiled, later that night as he saw Bella in the middle of his bed. He almost couldn't see her from how puffy and big the bed was, and how small she was didn't help.

"Yeah." Bella smiled, "I love this bed." She said, patting her arms beside her.

They had spent the night eating pizza and watching movies. Jon enjoyed the calmness he felt with Bella. There were no intrusive questions like Dean and Renee would ask him. She was just simply there to relax with him and be his little buddy like she'd always been.

She'd just called Renee and Dean to say goodnight, and was getting ready for bed now. Jon promised her she could stay in his bed as she liked his room the best. She liked his whole house actually, and always referred to it as the big house.

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