Getting Over

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One Week Later...

"Hi, baby." Sage smiled as she looked over her two sons. Kash was still fast asleep, but Kye was awake and staring up at her as she leaned over the two cribs, tucking her hair behind her ears, still in her pyjamas, "Did you have a nice sleep?" She whispered, lifting up Kye from the crib and cradling him into her body, "Huh? Did you have a nice sleep?" She said, moving around the small spare bedroom in Grace's house.

"Sage." Grace said quietly as she walked into the room, "Morning." She smiled as Sage nodded to her, "I'm just popping out to the store. I won't be too long. I've made up the boys' bottles for you." She said as Sage nodded and smiled.

"Thank you." Sage smiled sincerely as Grace nodded, closing the room door back over and heading out as Sage turned her attention back to Kye, "That was your gran. Yeah." She nodded as Kye made soft little noises with his mouth, stretching as she looked at him lovingly. Even if they had been home just a week, she could see them growing already, "Your brother is sleepy this morning, obviously." She said quietly, looking over at Kash who lay fast asleep, "Doesn't get it from me anyway." She hummed, "Maybe by the time we change your diaper he'll have woke up." She spoke to him while Kye just looked up at her, listening to her voice and knowing that was his comfort.

Sage changed Kye into a fresh diaper and fresh baby grow, and like she thought, Kash woke up just in time, to which she then changed his diaper and then headed downstairs with them, mastering holding both of them at the same time at this point. Being a mother to twins was just natural to her now.

She couldn't feed them both at the same time, and so they had to take turns of who got fed first. Since Kye didn't cry as much as Kash did, she sat him down on the soft mat in the living room while she fed Kash first, sitting on the floor crossed legged and holding Kash in her arms, feeding him while she ate some toast.

"It's almost over." She whispered to them and nodded, gazing over as she looked at the picture of Jon and Dean when they were kids, a framed picture that Grace had sat on her mantel, "Almost." She nodded.


"How are you feeling today?" Jon asked, sitting on a chair by Dean's bedside. He was still battered and bruised from their garage brawl, and had a few stitches himself, but he hadn't suffered like Dean had. Thankfully, Dean was on a great road to recovery. His surgery was a success and it was just about his rehab from now. Jon had never been more relieved. His brother meant the world to him.

"I'm ok." Dean nodded, "Renee and Bella practically stayed the full night with me." He said, "I just want them to keep carrying on with their everyday life." He said.

"They just want to spend time with you." Jon said as Dean nodded, "Renee still won't talk to me." He shook his head, clasping his hands and looking down at the ground.

"I've spoken to her." Dean assured him, "She's just angry. She thinks that you brought me into this and... she just counters everything with... you could have died, Dean." He mimicked, "She is right, I guess." Dean nodded, "But she'll come around." He nodded.

"You know I didn't mean to drag you into this." Jon said, "I didn't even know what all of this was. I thought... I thought I just had to talk to the cops about my own arrest. I never... I never suspected any of this to happen." He said as Dean nodded.

"I know you didn't, man. No one... No one is blaming you." Dean said as Jon just scoffed.

"I feel like everyone is." Jon said, "Sage still isn't talking to me." He said, "She's still at mom's even though we were allowed back home a few days ago." He said.

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