Ease the Stress

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"Are you sure you're ok to go to work?" Jon asked after getting Sage a glass of water and talking to her in his office. She'd calmed down eventually after she realised that she had overreacted and panicked due to the clear trauma she was still experiencing from Cass's behaviour.

"I'll be fine." Sage assured him, sitting down the empty glass of water on his desk and brushing her hand through her hair, "I was just being stupid." She shook her head, embarrassed.

"You weren't being stupid." Jon corrected her, "It's ok for you to feel that way. You're only human. If we're reminded of something bad that has happened to us, we tend to run in the opposite direction." He nodded with a small smile as she smiled back up at him.

"I shouldn't have come to your work, though." Sage shook her head.

"I don't work in a dungeon." He chuckled a little, "I'll let Janice at reception know what was wrong, I'll call her when you leave so she doesn't harass you." He said, "You know if you're ever feeling like that you can come to me, even if I'm here. I will make all the time in the world for you." He said as she smiled.

"Thank you." Sage nodded softly, "I just… I saw the hair and it all came back and I just… I panicked. I figured here would be the safest place because… I'd be with you." She said as he smiled.

"Well you're right." Jon nodded, "But you don't have to worry about her. She's not gonna come back and if she did she'd be very stupid. She'll be making sure the cops can't find her and that means she'll stay away." He said as she nodded.

"I know." Sage nodded, "It's just still so fresh in my mind, you know?" She said as he nodded, "But I should get ready to go to work."

"I'll walk you out." He said, walking over and opening his office door for her as he walked with her down the corridor, "I can drop you off at work if you like." He said.

"Oh, no. It's alright. I enjoy the walk and… I think I'll need some fresh air just now." She nodded to him, "I'll see you tonight. I finish at 7." She said as Jon nodded.

"I'll be home around that time." He smiled to her, "Remember if you need anything don't hesitate to call me, ok?" He said as she nodded, stopping just outside the elevator.

"I'll let you get back to work." She smiled to him, adjusting his tie neatly and pressing her hand on his chest as he smiled, watching her lean up and kiss his cheek softly, "See you later." She smiled, walking into the elevator as Jon smiled, placing his hands in his pockets as he walked off once the doors closed. He loved that she came to him at what she thought was a time of need. He promised himself and her he'd always protect. He loved her too much to let anything happen to her, and already in just a few months, the understanding and support system they had for each other was unbreakable.

He walked back down the corridor and watched as Lance stood waiting outside at his office door.

"What?" Jon said, walking into his office as Lance followed.

"Who is she?" Lance smirked.

"None of your damn business." Jonathan told him calmly, walking back behind his desk and sitting down, "Can I help you with anything?"

"Yeah. Tell me why a sexy, big booty, Ebony is in your office and kissing your cheek."

"Watch your mouth." Jon warned angrily. The last thing he wanted was people like Lance preying on Sage, who was all his, "She's my girlfriend. So whatever you have to say, whatever jokes you have spinning in that stupid mind of yours, keep them to yourself." He said as Lance chuckled softly and folded his arms.

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