The More You Know

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Sage had decided not to go through with going to court again, and had spent her day off work at home on the sofa. Due to her illness, some days were harder than others, especially in terms of doing anything productive. Sometimes she'd rather the manic episodes rather than the depressive ones. Even though they were more dangerous and explosive, they didn't seem to hurt her as much.

She was sitting in her own thoughts all day, not even realising how fast the time had went until she heard a knock on the door and looked at the clock to find it was almost 5pm.

She got up from the sofa with her blanket still around her shoulders, making her way to the door and opening it up as she saw her mother standing, furious.

"How dare you." Janet spat, walking into the apartment as Sage sighed and shut the door over behind her, "How dare you not show up today. Me and your father were all alone."

"Mom, you're grown adults." Sage groaned, not in the mood as she walked by her mother and back to the couch, "I didn't feel like coming."

"Well, Sage, I didn't feel like going either but I had to go to show support for Issac." Janet said.

"Issac would want me to put my health first." Sage told her mother simply and tiredly as she lifted up the TV remote, having it immediately snatched out of her hands by her mother. Janet smacked the TV remote against the back of her head.

Sage immediately gripped the spot that was hit and held it as she swallowed her tears not letting her mother see that the hit effected her.

"You listen to me, young lady." Janet warned, "All the sacrifices me and your father made for you and Issac when you were children, everything we done for you… and this is how you repay us? We need your support right now." Janet said.

"It's too hard, mom." Sage shook her head, "I can't do it."

"I know it's hard, Sage. You're not the only one with the bipolar disorder." Janet spat as Sage looked up at her, "But I need to make sure that Isssc gets justice." She said, "And you should too."

"He won't." Sage said bluntly, "Not with the lawyer who is working with the defence." Sage shrugged, "There's no point."

"There is a point." Janet spat, "You will be there at the next court date. You won't be… you won't be lazing around here watching the time go by on the clock." She warned.

"Lazing around?" Sage screwed her eyes up, "I-I constantly work." Sage stood up, "I never take days off, all so I can pay not only my bills, but yours too. Don't you forget that." She warned.

"You don't pay our bills you just help us out." Janet rolled her eyes, "Don't be so dramatic."

"I shouldn't have to help you out. I struggle enough as it is. You don't even work. You never have. Yet you go on about all the sacrifices you made when we were little. I don't remember any of them. I remember being homeless and starving and cold." She spat, "Where were the sacrifices then, huh?" Sage asked as she saw her mother getting angry. She just wasn't in the mood to be pushed over the edge.

"Ki gen odas ou!"<How dare you!>, Janet spat, getting ready to smack Sage again with the remote, but Sage smacked it out of her hand before she could hit her.

"No… No I'm not… I'm not doing it anymore, mom." Sage spat, standing up, "I have my own life to live. I can't be dealing with forty plus missed calls from you every day, and I can't be working like a slave every day just to make sure you and dad are financially stable, as well as myself, and I do not have to go anywhere that you say just because it's what you think is right." Sage said as Janet gulped a little, "I am done playing good daughter to you when you never even act like a proper mother." She said, her voice cracking as tears welled in her eyes.

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