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"How are you both doing?" Mandy asked, the next week as Sage and Jon stood around the incubator which Kash and Kye were still in. A week had gone by and the boys were getting stronger every day. They were allowed out in their parent's arms for longer, and Sage and Jon were even getting the chance to feed them and change them properly. Mandy reckoned that it'd only be a matter of days before they'd be able to go without the incubator, and perhaps in a week's time, they could be home.

Sage had been making sure she was resting herself over the past week. The fall itself had left her pretty bruised and the C-section had made her sore too, but she was also getting stronger, and didn't require help with much. She was feeling mentally and physically fitter, and that helped her when she was caring for the twins.

"We're good." Jon nodded, "How were they overnight?" Jon asked.

"They were great." Mandy said, "As always. I mean... they've been breathing on their own for over a week now. Tonight we're gonna try them in a normal bassinet and see how it goes." She said as Jon and Sage both nodded.

"How much do they weigh now?" Sage questioned.

"Almost six pounds, which is normal for twins." She said as Sage smiled to herself, "They're definitely little fighters." She nodded as Jon nodded in agreement.

"They are." Sage smiled, "So... this time next week they could come home with us?" Sage asked.

"It seems likely." Mandy smiled, "But don't get your hopes up. We'll take each day as it comes, but... I have full confidence." She said as Sage nodded.

"Thank you." Sage nodded.

"You can take them both out for a little cuddle." She said, opening up the incubator door at the side and heading off to fulfil other duties. Sage and Jon were used to taking the twins out of the incubator now and they knew what to do.

"Hey, little dude." Jon smiled as he lifted Kye out first, holding him cradled in his arms as the baby boy looked up at him, "How you doing today, huh?" He spoke softly while Sage lifted up Kash into her arms. The hospital was letting them dress the boys in their own baby grows that they had at home. Kash had a blue striped baby grow on while Kye had a white one with blue moons on it.

"Hi, baby." Sage smiled, looking down at Kash who wriggled a little in her arms and then looked up at her, tucking his little arm by her side as she lightly bounced him from side to side, "Isn't it weird how we know who is who and they're so alike?" Sage said. As the boy's parents, they just knew who was who already.

"They have different quirks. They might look the same but they're not gonna be the same." Jon shook his head as Sage nodded and smiled to herself.

"I can't wait to take them home." Sage sighed as Jon nodded in agreement.

"They'll be home soon, babe." Jon said, "It won't be long now." He nodded, leaning down and pressing a kiss on Kye's head as he kicked his little legs, causing him to smile while Sage looked over. He was so good with the boys and there was just something about watching him with her children that she adored, and every day she longed to have them home in their nursery, starting this crazy new journey together.


Later that night, Sage and Jon were fast asleep in bed through the night. Jon hadn't had any contact from Lance what so ever, and he didn't expect any after the conversation they had. He didn't want him lurking around Sage anymore. Sage might not have noticed, she'd had other things to worry about, but he did, and he wasn't having it. He knew Lance's game, even if he wanted to act all innocent.

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