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"Jonathan." Grace called, walking up the hospital corridor after Mandy had just left Jon, "Oh my God, what happened?" She asked, her stomach turning once she saw how pale and terrified her son looked.

"Sage... she fell down the stairs and they had to... they had to do a C-section to get the babies out." Jon said, "It's two boys." He nodded as Grace smiled and gasped, "But they're still really small and one of them isn't breathing right and I don't know if Sage is gonna be ok-"

"Ok ok." Grace nodded, placing her hand on his arm and guiding him over to the three seats by the coffee machine, "Ok, just take a deep breath and sit down. You're just in shock." She said as Jon sat down and placed his hands on his head.

"The nurse said she'd come get me when I can visit the babies and Sage." He said, "But right now all three of them are in critical condition." He shook his head as Grace sat down beside him.

"They are in no better place than this." Grace assured him, "I've heard of... of babies being born two months early and still soldiering on. Dean was premature. He wasn't so great when he was born but he came on leaps and bounds." She said, "You'd be surprised at how strong they are, even when they look and seem so tiny." She nodded as Jon sighed.

"They said they wouldn't know anything about Sage until she woke up. How-How could she have fallen down the full flight of stairs, mom?" He turned to Grace.

"She could have tripped or slipped on something. Accidents can happen." Grace assured him, "Who-Who called the ambulance?"

"The nurse said it was a neighbour but... I don't see how the neighbours could have known." He said, "She must have hit herself hard." Jon sighed nervously. He felt like a nervous wreck, and if he didn't have good self-control, he probably would have been shaking and twitching with how scared he was.

"Did she break anything?" Grace asked him.

"No." Jon shook his head, "She bumped her head and it seems like most of the impact was on the babies. Her... what's the thing the babies are in?" Jon shook his head, his mind on another planet and not really familiar with the biology of a women's body.

"Placenta?" Grace asked.

"Yeah. That." Jon nodded, "That ruptured apparently."

"Oh, dear." Grace shook her head, knowing that wasn't good, "But they got to her in time, Jon and she's... she's in the best place. Really." She nodded, "You just got to have some hope." She said, rubbing his arm softly as Jon sighed.

"I'm terrified." Jon shook his head.

"You have to be strong." Grace said, "For Sage and your sons." She said, "I was hoping it was going to be boys." She smiled to herself, "My first grandsons." She said, "Do they have names?" She wondered, "I know you were looking at names.

"Yeah we do but I don't want to make it official until I can see Sage. She might... she might change her mind." He said as Grace nodded.

"Of course." Grace said, "You could go home and get changed if you want. I can stay here." She said, noticing Jon was still in his suit. His jacket and tie was off and his two top buttons were undone of course but he was still dressed up and she wondered if he'd prefer to get into something comfier.

"No. I'm not going." Jon refused as Grace frowned sympathetically, "Not until I see Sage."

"Ok." Grace whispered, "What about a coffee then?" She asked him as Jon just nodded, "Ok." She said, standing up and going to the machine as Jon sat, never being as impatient as he was in that moment, waiting on anything, any small glimmer of hope.

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