My Family

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Once Sage had arrived home after her shift, still shocked upon seeing that clearly Nadine had spent the night with Jon, she just sat on her sofa with her hands on her head, listening to the silence and terror of her own thoughts.

She didn't know why she felt upset since there was no reason to be. In fact, him and Nadine were perfect for one another, and she wasn't surprised that Nadine had swooped in at any chance she could. She had a reputation.

She just felt like everything was building up, where as before, all she had to get by from was her job, and of course the harassment from her mother. Now she felt like she was suffocating. Reliving her brother's death every day, the only family member who seemed to care and understand her. The confusion and question mark around Jon, and why she just seemed to not be able to get away from him. Her job, tiring, low paid and frowned upon. She just felt like it was all too much.


Sage jumped as she heard Cass at the door, watching as Milo got to his feet and trotted to the door to check things out.

"Babygirl, open up. I brought Chinese food and a movie." Cass told her, "And wine for me." She added as Sage sighed. Some days, she just wasn't in the mood to be around anyone, but that was normally when she needed people the most, and Cass was good at not giving her a choice.

She got up from the sofa, walking over to the door and opening it up as Cass smiled, holding the bag of Chinese food and the DVD, her wine bottle sticking out of her purse she had around her arm.

"I'm only answering because you have food." Sage told her as Cass smiled, walking into the small apartment and sitting down her things on the kitchen table.

"I figured you'd need it since you're going back to court tomorrow." Cass said, taking out a wine glass that Sage only really had for her for when she came over with wine.

"I don't think I'm gonna go." Sage shook her head, taking the Chinese food out of the bag while Cass poured her wine.

"Why not?" Cass asked her.

"It's just… God, it's just too much." Sage paused, placing her hands on the kitchen counter to steady herself, "I feel like I'm losing my mind." She sighed as Cass turned to her, noticing her hands shaking and her breathing beginning to hitch under her, "I don't think… I don't think I can take it anymore." Sage shook her head hysterically as Cass neglected her wine and turned to her with worry.

"Ok, look at me baby." Cass nodded, taking Sage's shaking hands in hers, "Look at me." She said as Sage looked at her, "It's just a bump in the road. Ok?" She said, "It's another hurdle and you'll get over it. I'll help you." Cass nodded.

"It's not just the court it's… it's life. It's everything." Sage broke away, wandering to the centre of the kitchen, placing her hands in her hair, "I am… I am so worthless. My mom is right. I-I have nothing good going for me." She shook her head as tears welled in her eyes.

"Sage, that is not true." Cass said.

"It is." Sage spat, "I'm totally worthless." She cried, pretending she hadn't listened to all her mother's voicemails on repeat since she got home.

"Oh, Sage." Cass sighed, walking over to Sage and wrapping her arms around her tightly, "You are not worthless." She shook her head, "You're still so young. This is just the trial getting to you." She nodded, rubbing her back comfortingly as Sage sobbed on her shoulder, "Have you been taking your pills?" She had to ask.

"No." Sage muffled against her friend's shoulder as Cass sighed.

"Well that's not helping." Cass shook her head, breaking away from the hug, taking her hands and wiping Sage's teary cheeks, "You've just hit a rough patch." She nodded, "Things will get better."

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