Trust in Me

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"How was your class today?" Jon asked later on once he got home from the game with Dean, walking into the kitchen where Sage was making herself a sandwich.

"It was ok." Sage nodded, "How was the game?" She asked, walking by him and over to the table as she took a seat.

"Yeah, it was good. It was nice to see Dean. We normally don't get to see games together that often." He admitted, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and walking over to the table, "What you up to doing tonight?" He asked.

"I have an essay to do tonight." Sage told him, "So not much I'm afraid." She said as he just nodded.

"I could catch up with some work too." He admitted truthfully.

"Still busy with the case?" Sage asked him, sliding over her plate to have some of her sandwich which he of course gladly accepted, as she always seemed to make better food than him.

"Yeah." Jon nodded, remembering what Dean had said about telling her what he was doing with the case. He wanted to tell her. He wanted to be honest but he was terrified of what she would think. He wasn't doing it for the easy way out, he was just running out of options, and he was too committed and determined to drop his client.

"Still stressing?" Sage frowned as Jon just nodded but then shook his head.

"I'm alright." Jon promised her, "What is your essay on?" He asked, trying to change the subject quickly.

"On a few books I've had to read. Boring stuff." Sage nodded to him, "And listen, I'm sorry I freaked out on you last night like that. I just... I didn't want you to feel like you had to stick up for me or anything like that." Sage said, "I promise I can... I can deal with it all on my own."

"I never doubted you couldn't." Jon said honestly, "I was just shocked and... I wanted you to tell someone. It's not right." He said.

"I know." Sage said, "I'm gonna just go about my business and if it continues severely I'll go to Brian, the manager." Sage nodded, "I know you were just looking out for me." She nodded, "And I appreciate that." She nodded sincerely as he just smiled, "It was good you got to see Dean for a few hours today." She nodded.

"Yeah." Jon nodded, "We don't normally get that much time together anymore. Since he pretty much has his hands full with Bella and then obviously I have a lot of work going on." He said, "It's definitely not how it used to be."

"How long has him and Renee been dating?" Sage wondered.

"Since they were sixteen." Jon said as Sage raised her eyebrows. She knew there were young, but not that young, "Me and her never got on. In fact, she hated me." He laughed a little as Sage smiled.

"Because she was stealing your brother from you?" Sage smirked.

"Maybe." Jon nodded, "But she hated me too. She used to call me the slob because whenever she was around I was either in bed or eating." He said as Sage giggled.

"I can't imagine you like that." Sage said. She was so used to seeing him smartly dressed and tied up in his work.

"Oh, wait until I get a vacation." Jon laughed to himself as she smiled.

"So how did she come to like you then?" Sage asked.

"When she found out I wasn't so bad. She always got pissed that I would... sleep with girls but never commit to anything. She didn't understand it. Then she figured out this theory that... I didn't commit to things or people more so, in case I lost them. Like I did with my parents." He said as Sage nodded, "Story checks out I guess." He nodded.

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