Flashback: The Joy to Come

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(Toriel's POV)

I had read many good books, and the book I was currently reading, At Home in Mitford, was no exception. But even then, I was a bit distracted by my own thoughts.

It had been two months since Asriel returned from his awful state as a SOULless flower, and one month since Asgore and I got back together. I regretted not being there for my son when he needed it most, and for selfishly running away from my duties as Queen of Monsters instead of trying to help my husband with his grief at the loss of our children. Two good monsters suffered needlessly, and I could only blame myself.

"Something on your mind, Tori?" Asgore wondered aloud.

I gave up trying to read and shut my book. I nodded at Gorey, saying, "I just can't stop thinking about my mistakes."

My husband smiled. "Don't focus too much on your regrets. I know that I struggle with that sometimes, but focusing only on your mistakes and failings will cause more harm than good. Just focus on the good moments."

I smiled back at him. "Is it too much to hope for good news that outweighs all other news?"

Asgore chuckled. "I didn't say it had to be something mind-blowing, you know. It can just be the small, good moments. I don't want you to feel so miserable, and I'm sure Asriel feels the same way."

I smiled. "You're right, Gorey. I just want you to know that I love both you and our children— all of them: Asriel, Chara, and Frisk."

"I love you too, Tori."

At that moment, my cell phone rang. I picked it up, looking at the caller I.D. It said, Dr. Blaise. Dr. Blaise was the doctor of me, Asgore, and Asriel, and she was also a goat-like monster, though she had light gray fur instead of white, and was not a Boss Monster like the three of us were.

I answered the call. "If you were looking for Toriel, you goat the right monster." I'm sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.

"Toriel, this is Dr. Blaise speaking. I just reviewed your physical health forms from your last checkup last month." She sounded slightly excited.

I was curious about my health. "What did the forms say?"

Her next answer was more excited this time. "Tori..."

(Asriel's POV)

Frisk, Chara, and I headed home from Sans and Papyrus's house after a nice hangout. I still couldn't get the, um, indescribable taste of Papyrus's spaghetti quite out of my mind or mouth. I preferred Sans's puns, to be honest.

Frisk placed a hand on my shoulder. "How you holding up?" They asked.

I smiled a little. "Well, I don't think it's eating away it my insides anymore. How could you even stand that stuff?"

They just smiled. "DETERMINATION."

Chara snorted. "Frisk ate Junk Food."

I wondered how that was so bad. "You mean, chips and soda and—"

"No," Chara interjected. "I mean literal garbage."

Shocked, I turned to Frisk. "You're kid-ing me!" I said, snorting from my own pun. I was a goat monster; I had to say it!

Chara groaned as Frisk smiled, saying, "That was one of my fondest memories."

"That Junk Food cannot be good for you. I will trash your health!"

Frisk snorted, saying, "Says the kid who pretty much ate the entire freaking timeline."

I was a little offended by that. "I didn't eat the timeline! I just used my Hyper Goner... which sucked in the timeline... and... looked a lot like... my... head..." My words trailed off as Frisk and Chara stared at me.

I sighed. "This is to be kept secret."

We made our way home and opened the door.

"Mom, Dad, we're home! What have—" I stopped short.

Toriel was in her reading chair, but she was crying. Asgore was standing next to her, smiling warmly. "Howdy," he said.

"Mom!" I cried out, rushing toward her and hugging her. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

Toriel removed her hands from her face, and I was surprised to see her smiling, tears in her eyes. Frisk and Chara came over to see what was going on.

"My children," our mother said. "Dr. Blaise just called, with wonderful news."

"What?" Asked Chara.

Toriel's smile only grew. "I'm pregnant. I'm going to have another child."

My eyes widened. "You're joking."

Asgore smiled down at me. "She's quite serious, and also quite overjoyed."

Toriel hugged me tightly. I always seem to forget how strong she is, and her hugs always remind me.

"You mean..." I said softly, "I'm... going to be a big brother?"

"Yes," Tori's soft, gentle voice whispered to me. "You're going to be a big brother."

That filled me with joy the likes of which I haven't felt in a long time. I think some of it spilled from my eyes.

Frisk smiled. Obviously they were happy about a new member of the Dreemurr family.

"Well, Azzy, better start preparing on how to be a good older sibling," said Chara, but there didn't seem to be any snark behind the comment.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to stop turning. All that mattered was the fact that that soon, there would be more love in the family than before.

(Asriel's POV, 3 months later)

The whole family was busy preparing for the new arrival that was our newest member. It was hard work, but we were to excited to care. Asgore got out the old stroller from my babyhood and cleaned it off. Fortunately, it was still pretty much intact, so we could use it for the new baby.

The old King of Monsters also felt the need to announce Toriel's pregnancy to the other monsters via social media, and the gifts came flying in: maternity clothes and other items that Goat Mom would need for this wonderful time.

Frisk, Chara, and I helped out quite a lot. We had to take on some of Tori's chores (with a little help from Asgore) since she would end up not doing some of the things she was able to before.

I found a bunch of old baby toys and other stuff from my babyhood, and decided that the new baby would find more joy in them than I would. Asgore and Toriel loved the idea, and proceeded to clean those off.

Toriel herself was possibly the most excited of all of us. She pretty much directed the entire effort of preparation. Her belly was growing quite round due to her pregnancy, as her body needed to make room for the "bun in the oven," as some humans called it.

She also seemed to be eating a lot more than normal, snacking constantly and taking hefty portions at mealtimes. This seemed to worry Asgore a little. Take one lunch, for example.

We were eating cheeseburgers at Grillby's. Toriel ordered a burger with three patties on it. I was a little shocked by that.

"Tori," Asgore said, "I really don't think you should be eating so much."

Tori swallowed her mouthful of food. "You know it's not that simple," she said. "I'm not just eating to feed myself anymore. Now, I have to eat enough for two. Please, don't worry."

Asgore smiled. "I'm sorry," he said. "I know you're going through a lot, and that I should support you. I guess I'm just nervous about having a new child."

"I know," said Goat Mom. "You're a good husband, and I know you have my best interests in mind."

We finished our food and headed back home to do some more preparing. I knew that, no matter what comes our way, we would get through it as a family.

And I also know that soon, our family will have one more member.

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