Reckless Rivalry (Part 2)

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(Asriel's POV)

Crystal and I stood in front of her house. I'd managed to calm her down enough to consider checking to see if Kirin had left the librarby—sorry, library—and was on his way home while Noelle and I had been on our date.

"Could be just a case of the two of us missing him on our way back," I'd explained.

"Yeah," Crystal had responded. "Perhaps you and Noelle were staring into each other's eyes too long." She'd been trying to lighten up the situation.

Back in the present, I rang the doorbell. A few moments later, the Dracon Twins' father, Wyvernos Dracon, answered. He seemed to be the spitting image of his son in terms of physical form. He had silver hair, like Kirin, but he also had navy blue scales and eyes the color of coffee. He looked at the two of us, and smiled.

"Well, hello there," he said warmly. "What can I do for you?"

Crystal explained the situation before asking, "By any chance, is Rin home?"

Beryl, the twins' mother, came forward, shaking her head. "I haven't seen him since he left for the library. He might still be there, studying."

"One problem with that," I said. "Noelle and I were there already, and there was no sign of him."

Beryl's eyes grew wide. "I don't understand!" She cried. "Why would Kirin lie to us like that? He's one of the most honest monsters I know!"

"Sometimes a bit too honest," Wyvernos chuckled.

"That's not the point!" Crystal cried out, starting to panic again. "What if something happens to him?"

"We were headed towards Ebbot Forest to see if he's there," I replied. "But we should probably regroup now that we have more eyes looking for him."

(Frisk's POV)

All of us met at the Dracon family's house, with some new members. Asgore and Toriel arrived, looking distressed. Develyn was there, too, wearing a grim expression.

"I know Kirin can be a bit reckless at times," Vel commented, "but for him to just disappear like that? That's unusual, even for him."

"I don't know where to start looking," Noelle admitted.

"Dev," Kris said, "try using your Life Aura Shout."

Develyn did so, the cry echoing through the suburban region. The hybrid focused, then pointed towards Ebbot Forest. "This way!" He called, and all of us ran off to the thick expanse of trees. Once there, he directed all of us into groups. That was one of the things I loved about him: He was a natural leader.

"I'll set up telepathic links between all of us," Crystal said. "Keep in touch."

Her eyes glowed for a few seconds, and then I was able to hear everyone's thoughts.

"Get out of my heaaad!" Kris fake yelled. Then he laughed and said, "I always wanted an excuse to say that." With that we split off.

(Noelle's POV)

Asriel and I headed off towards the base of Mt. Ebbot, where Develyn directed us to. The Forest was dark at this time of day—or, rather, evening—which made it a bit scary, but with Asriel, my love, by my side, I felt like I could take on anything.

"Let's hope we're headed in the right direction," I said.

Asriel had used Star Blazing to summon a small star for light. Its gentle glow gave off a comforting light. "Agreed," he said. "Let's hope that his black scales don't make him too hard to—"

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