Holiday Get-Together

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(???'s POV, flashback)

I stood over the fallen-down monster, my heart breaking as I recalled that he still had a family. Two daughters whom he loved dearly, and, in the mainline universe, would grow up to see the sun... without him.

I couldn't allow that.

I placed my hand over his chest, where I could sense his SOUL fading. I spoke but one word.

"Renovationis." Rejuvenation.

A soft, white glow shone from the palms of my hands, and the monster's breathing steadied, becoming normal, no longer labored.

"Awaken, my friend," I spoke softly.

Just as the monster awoke from his fallen-down state, I vanished from sight.

(Asgore's POV, present day)

I still couldn't believe how quickly time had flown, and that time of year had once again come.

It was the Christmas season. I was hoping to find gifts for my friends and family, but I didn't know what to choose. The kids were at school this Friday, but next week was the start of Christmas break on the school schedule.


I let out a surprised bleat as I turned around to face Toriel, who was trying not to laugh.

"You still have as adorable a bleat as when we first dated," she said, as a few hints of laughter escaped her muzzle.

"Sorry," I said. "I was busy thinking about gifts."

"Of course," she said. "But that's not all you're thinking about, is it?"

I sighed. "You remember Rudolph Holiday?" I asked her.

"You mean that reindeer monster with the two nice daughters?" Toriel responded. "Yes, I remember him. He was your best man."

"You also threw a key lime pie at him in college."

Toriel didn't hide her laughter that time. "Goodness, I'd forgotten about that party! It was definitely a serious blowout, wasn't it?"

I laughed as well. "It sure was!"

At that, we heard the door open.

"We're home!" Chara's voice rang out.

Both of us greeted our children, and were surprised to find the Dracon twins there as well!

"We volunteered to take the kids home," Kirin explained.

"As well as the humans and hybrid," Crystal responded, referring to Chara, Frisk, and Kris. Kirin responded by slugging his twin sister in the arm.

"So, Dad?" Asriel said. "There's something you need to know."

(Asriel's POV, earlier at school)

I was busy getting ready to leave when a somewhat shy voice spoke my name. I slammed my locker shut, only to find a reindeer monster behind it, and she was startled by the noise.

"Noelle!" I exclaimed. "Sorry about that."

"Asriel!" Noelle cried. "Next time, be gentle with the locker, ok?"

"I will," I said. "Was there something you needed?"

"You know how your dad knows my dad?" Noelle asked.

"I remember," I said. "They were such good friends, rest Rudolph's SOUL."

"Why are you saying that like he's dead?" Noelle asked.

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