Rise of the Bladers, Part 2: Tag-Team Battle!

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(Kirin's POV)

Once Crystal and I reached the arena, a large crowd had gathered to spectate, and there was even a news van there. I could tell that they were anticipating something big.

The two of us reached the front desk, where a young, friendly-looking woman was.

"Hello there," Crystal said. "Kirin and Crystal Dracon, here for battle."

The woman smiled. "It's good to see you've arrived," She said. "Come this way." She guided us to a small waiting room, where a futuristic elevators awaited—no doubt to take us to the arena floor.

"Alright," the woman said. "I'll let Hanami know that you're here and ready." She turned and took a few steps, then quickly turned around. "I almost forgot!" She said. "Good luck to you both." The then exited the room.

"Hanami?" I asked. "As in, the guy who gives the play-by-play? The Hanami?"

Before Crystal could respond, a voice over the P.A. spoke aloud: "Will Kirin and Crystal Dracon make their way to the arena floor?"

As soon as we entered the elevator, I was amazed at what I saw: It was a little more than a cylindrical tube with a circular floor underneath us, like a sci-fi movie, or an anime. I heard a male, energetic voice speaking, just as the platform moved up.

"Hello, everyone!" The voice said. "I hope you're ready for a special treat! I mean other than yours truly, Hanami, here to give the play-by-play of the battle! This battle is a tag-team battle of monstrous awesomeness, especially the Bladers are actual monsters! But they're not like they boogeymen you'll find under the bed at night! They're friendly, caring, and we've got four of them going against each other in a tag-team match!"

"Nice to know they accounted for our race," Crystal said.

"In the red corner," Hanami continued, "we've got a pair of twins who are polar opposites! He's the fire of unending fury and passion, while she's his cool-headed, calm counterpart, let's give it up for the twin dragons, Kirin and Crystal Dracon!"

The final words (for the moment) were spoken just as the platform reached the top floor. We were welcomed by loud cheering and excited screaming—the good kind you hear in sports arenas.

"These two Bladers are packing a serious punch with their Beys, Lightning L-Drago and Zwei Longinus, two counterclockwise-spinning dragon Beys!"

More cheers. Need I say more?

"And in the blue corner, they're a pair of fluffy goats who have gentle hearts, but it doesn't stop them from delivering a show-stopping match, and they're not just royalty, but also the Gods of Hyperdeath! Give a loud welcome to Asriel and Aria Dreemurr!"

Asriel and Aria, surprisingly in their God of Hyperdeath forms, came up on another elevator to more cheering and shouting.

"They blade with Perfect Phoenix and Dead Hades, so be sure not to blink or you'll miss it!" Hanami announced.

Both Azzy and Ari flew (literally) to the Beystadium in the middle of the arena floor. Crystal and I followed suit.

"Who's ready to see an awesome battle!?" I shouted. I'm sorry, I couldn't help getting caught in the excitement. The crowd responded with a loud roar.

"We can't hear you!" Asriel yelled. Apparently, I wasn't the only one. The audience roared even louder.

"That's what we're here for!" Aria and Crystal called out simultaneously.

"Goodness gracious me!" Hanami shouted. "The four Bladers are really serious about giving us a battle for the ages! Just listen to the crowd, if their shouting hasn't burst your eardrums! But that's not all in store!" Hanami continued. "Joining me is a robot celebrity who's known throughout the world! He's got style, he's got looks, and above all, he's got legs that anyone would kill for... it's Mettaton!!"

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