The Hybrid

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(Asriel's POV)

It was a pretty pleasant winter day—not too hot, but not overly cold, either. I was at the park, training with Aria, Frisk, and Chara. Kirin and Crystal were there as well, sparring against each other, sword against scythe. Occasionally, Kirin would fall back, draw his psychic-energy bow, and fire a few arrows, but Crystal would throw a few PSI-shurikens to intercept, then force her brother into melee once again.

"I always was the more powerful of the two of us, Cris!" I heard Kirin say. I heard a metallic Clang! as their blades locked once more.

"Unfortunately, you lack control, Rin!" Crystal called, which earned the response, "Don't call me 'Rin!'" from Kirin. Clang!

"How do energy weapons make metallic clangs?" Aria asked, throwing a fireball, which exploded a few feet away from her, causing some of the powdery snow to fly.

"Dunno," I said, launching Star Blazing. Several rainbow stars crashed to the ground and exploded, each blast sending out six small, white stars. This was concluded with a larger star, which exploded into three rings of the white stars. "It's pretty strange."

Aria looked over at Frisk and Chara. Frisk made it a point to summon several red bolts of lightning, each bolt hitting the ground with a loud Bzzrk!

"It's amazing to think that Frisk can summon lightning at will!" Aria remarked.

"I learned from Kirin that electrokinesis—lightning manipulation—is actually an extension of pyrokinesis, or fire manipulation," I said. "See, lightning and fire are both different forms of plasma, one of the four states of matter, the other three being solid, liquid, and gas."

"Quick question, Azzy," Aria interrupted. "I only know about solids, liquids, and gases. What are plasmas?"

I smiled at my sister and did my best to explain. "Plasmas are basically ionized gases. They're made up of gases of ions, or atoms that have gained an electrical charge due to gaining or losing electrons, and free electrons."

Aria nodded, though I could tell she still didn't quite understand fully.

"You'll learn more about it once you're older," I said. "Don't worry."

Aria's face lit up suddenly, as if she just realized something. "If fire and lightning are both forms of plasma, like you said, and Mom and Dad can manipulate fire... does that mean that they could use lightning magic, too?!"

I couldn't help laughing. "I'm not sure," I admitted. "It would be pretty cool!"

Both of us turned our attention back to Frisk and Chara.

"Good show," Chara said, "but can you match this? Crimson Inferno!" Immediately, his body was surrounded by red fire, and a few seconds later, there was a loud explosion. The ground around Chara had become a sea of fire, and the snow had melted. Thankfully, Frisk had moved out of the way just in time.

"Impressive," she said. "Somebody's been practicing."

"Hold up!" Another voice called.

Frisk, Chara, Aria and I turned around to see where the voice had come from. Even Kirin and Crystal stopped sparring to see what was going on.

In the distance, I saw a 16- to 17-year-old human with a muscular build, black hair, white skin, and an eye patch over one eye racing towards us. As he got closer, I could see that his good eye was yellow, that he had a scar under the patch, and that he didn't look to happy.

"Oh, no..." Kirin muttered. "What have we done?"

The human stopped a few feet in front of us, panting and glaring at us. "What's the big idea!?" He cried. "I was just trying to enjoy a good day in the park and suddenly, out of nowhere, there's a loud explosion! Now the other noises, I could deal with, but not the explosion!"

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