Double-Date! (💘💝 Valentine's Day Special 💞💖)

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(Noelle's POV)

Since the get-together with the Dreemurrs, I've become closer to Asriel, and even gathered some, um... information about him. I talked to some of Azzy's friends and family.

"Azzy?" Chara responded when asked about his brother. "He's a crybaby at times, but he's also the nicest guy you'll ever meet. So, don't be scared of him."

"Asriel's had a tough past," was Frisk's answer. "Spending a long time as a SOULless flower who had no no sense of empathy or compassion, without any loved ones... it took Azzy a long time to completely and emotionally recover from that trauma. It haunted him for 8 years, and without his loved ones' support, I don't think he would've made it as far as he did now."

Kirin had had a different idea of what he was like. "Asriel's definitely not someone to mess with," he said. "I should know. I challenged his younger sister, Aria, to a single battle, and she completely wiped the floor with me—without using her Goddess of Hyperdeath form!"

"Aria has a Goddess of Hyperdeath form!?" I had cried. A few passing students had given me a concerned look.

"Well, yes," Kirin had said. "And so does Asriel. Is something wrong?"

"N-no," I stammered. "No-nothing's wrong."

"At any rate, even in his Hyperdeath form, he's still the same fluffy goat you know and love." That comforted me.

Soon afterward, I'd begun hanging out with him, and our friendship was strengthened.

Now, I realized something as though a jet-engine-powered semi truck had rammed me at full speed. With Valentine's Day coming up, I'd begun falling for him.

I was distracted from my thoughts by the feeling of fur under my hand. I turned suddenly down and saw Alpha.

"Alpha?" I cried. "How'd you get in here?"

"Divine wolf stuff," the wolf said. "But that's not important. You like Azzy, don't you?"

"Well... yeah?"

Alpha chuckled. "Go get the goat, then!" He said.

"But..." I started to protest. But I soon realized that it was no good trying to dissuade a divine wolf.

(Develyn's POV)

"So, Frisky," I said, "how do you think we're doing?"

Frisk smiled sweetly at me. "I think we're doing well. Considering you're my first real BF, at least."

"Hopefully you won't need another," I said, blushing slightly, and immediately regretting my choice of words. "Sorry," I said apologetically. "That... sounded kinda petty, huh?"

Frisky chuckled. "Yeah, Develyn," she said sarcastically, "because you totally have some major competition in the boyfriend department."

I gave her a slight glare. "Not funny. That was not—" I was interrupted when Frisk kissed me. When she pulled away, she said, "I know what you meant. And for the record, no other boy has got anything on you, Vel."

I felt a bit better about that, but I still punched her playfully on the arm. "Love you too, Frisk."

Both of us were in the park, sitting on a bench, enjoying the afternoon breeze and each other's company. After a few days of unpleasant, cold days (at least in Frisk's opinion, to which I had told her that the temperature here had nothing on Iceland's frigid climate), it was warm enough that I could wear a T-shirt with no coat or jacket. Frisk chose to wear a hoodie out here, possibly because Toriel had told her to.

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