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(Asriel's POV)

It was a beautiful weekend morning. My family was enjoying a wonderful breakfast of blueberry pancakes, scrambled eggs, and sausages. The blueberries came straight from Asgore's garden, and made the pancakes taste wonderful. I had quite a stack of them!

"Enjoying your pancakes, Azzy?" Frisk asked.

I nodded, gulping down a large mouthful of pancake. "They're the best!"

"Careful, Asriel," Chara said. "You're going to give yourself a stomachache if you continue eating your breakfast without chewing."

"Leave him be, Chara," Aria said, chuckling. "I can't blame him for wolfing them down like he is."

"Even so," Toriel said, "you should really take smaller bites, Asriel. You're eating like you haven't seen food for the last 8 years!"

I gave an apologetic smile, and began eating more slowly, taking smaller bites.

"Don't forget," Asgore said, "Undyne wants to meet you at Mt. Ebbot for training. Aria, too."

"Don't worry, Dad." Aria replied. "We haven't forgotten."

Aria and I soon finished cleaning our plates. We said goodbye to the rest of the family and headed out.

(Aria's POV)

We arrived at Mt. Ebbot in half an hour. Undyne wasn't outside, however.

"Where is she?" I asked.

Asriel smiled at me. "Probably inside," he said. "She wanted us to meet at New Home."

I laughed, remembering how Asgore was just terrible at naming things. I'd heard from Azzy that he wanted to name me "Togore!" I'm thankful that Toriel named me instead.

We entered through the place where the Barrier once stood, and went into New Home. It was a beautiful place, with lots of houses, and a statue of Asgore holding his trident in the square.

We reached the outskirts of the town and saw Undyne there, clad in armor and flipping her energy spear impatiently.

"You're late, punks," she said simply.

"It took us a bit longer than I thought," I replied. "Asriel just wouldn't stop wolfing down pancakes!"

Asriel patted his full tummy, smiling. "And I'd give anything to have more, if I weren't stuffed already." He let out a loud belch.

"Gross!" I said, laughing.

"Excuse me," Asriel apologized.

"Well, hopefully a full stomach won't slow you down," Undyne replied. "We're going to do some extra special training. You ready, punks!?"

Asriel nodded, summoning his Chaos Saber. "I'm always ready."

I called on my Chaos Buster and answered by firing multiple bullets at Undyne.

"Wait!" Asriel cried. "Undyne didn't—!"

But Undyne's reflexes were fast. She spun her spear around rapidly, deflecting the bullets. She lowered her weapon afterwards.

This was her big mistake. Once she dropped her guard, I fired a full-tilt rainbow laser, which struck her with all its power. Smoke surrounded the area where Undyne was.

"Undyne!" Asriel cried.

The smoke cleared... and Undyne was still standing there, smiling nonchalantly.

"But how!?" I cried.

"Fuhuhu..." Undyne chuckled. "You ain't seen nothing yet, punk!" She pointed her spear to the sky and yelled, "DETERMINATION!!!"

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