Ch1 : Daily Life

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Maria's POV


Ringgggggggggg!!! My alarm rang and I woke up! It's 6.30 and I'll again get late for my Classes. I said to myself.

I rushed to the washroom and got dressed. I wore my uniform . I tied my hair in a bun and wore my scarf then left for the elevators.

"At least take your phone" Ammu shouted from behind. "oh ya..."

"and be home before 2, don't be late. I'll make your favorite food" she said.

My typical mom, I said to myself.

"OK fine I'll be home before 2. And I think nia will come with me too" I told Emma.

"OK dear, take care of yourself. Bye loves ya".

"Ba bye loves you too," I said and rushed to the elevators. "What's taking so long? " I shouted but there was no one to listen except me on that floor. Suddenly my phone rang and I saw the caller ID it was nice and I picked it up.

"Hey Pumpkin," said nia.

"hey," I said furiously.

" What happened?" she asked.

"it's nothing," I said.

" I'm your best friend don't lie to me, I know you better than you now tell me. What happened?"

" it's the elevator it's taking forever to arrive" I shouted.

"calm down, take the stairs no."

"Are you fucking serious??!?!! You want me to take the stairs all the way to the ground floor from the 11th floor....!?!!"

"oh I'm sorry I literally forgot that"
Suddenly the elevator arrived and I hopped in. But I was not alone there were other people also. I guess they were also in a hurry.

"I'll see you on the bus, bye for now" I cut the call before she could say anything else. It reached the ground floor and I rushed to my bus stop.

Thank God my bus didn't arrive yet. After waiting for fucking 10 mins my bus finally arrived. And the first thing to look for was my best friend nia but I didn't see her. Why didn't she come? I thought... But suddenly I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder it's her. I turned around and she hugged me hard. Hard enough to make me groan. That grabbed everybody's attention.

"Ewwww, you have changed a lot this 2months... I missed you so much" she said and I smiled.

"It's only for 2 months. And I missed you too... So how was your vacation in Bangladesh??" I asked.

" oh yeah, I have a lot to say, first sit" we sat down on three-seaters and I found Lisa smiling.

" hey, dude wassup?" I asked.

" I'm fine," she said and we hugged.

" enough of this hugging. Gossip time... Tell me you both what did you guys do during this summer vacation.????" Nia asked.

We three gossiped. And almost everybody was looking at us on the bus.

That made me a little uncomfortable.
So I shushed them. "what happened?" nia asked more like a whisper.

" people... they are looking at us. We need to stop."

" do you think I give a fuck?" she said really loud. " hehe sorry was I that loud?" and she smirked.

I really love her for her craziness. Even though she is a little weird but she is everything to me. Our friendship didn't start that easily. That's a long story. Let's save it for another day.

We went to school and saw things had been repaired. I really hate the smell of new paint. It's disgusting.

"uffffffffffff" I screamed.
We went to our class and closed the door. Only Ayesha was there. We greeted and sat down on our usual benches. Second bench. Everybody started to come one by one and here we go again. Everybody started gossiping.

"I have missed you and Abu Dhabi so much," Nia said.

" and we missed you too" I teased and we both laughed.

So here is my first chapter I hope you like it. Nia's and Maria's friendship will be described in the next chapter. Stay tuned to know.
And if there are any grammatical or typing mistakes I'm so sorry for that plz ignore it.

Plz, shine the star on your left. Love you guys!!

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