Ch 46 : What Am I?

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Sorry to make you guys wait. Anyways enjoy!!

Zain's POV

I have to stay away from her no matter what. And if she loves me, she will only get hurt because I can't love her back. How can I? How can I fall for someone who almost killed my sister?

"Zain" Maria knocked on the door. I didn't reply.

"Zain" she called again. And this time when I didn't answer she burst in.

"did I ask you to come in?" I spat.

"I'm sorry, I thought - whoa, wait, why should I even knock? This is my room as well"  she said folding her hands over her chest.

Change in tone, I see.

I raised my eyebrows and she did too, I glared at her and she glared back. I don't know how long we kept glaring at each other. At last, I broke it.

"yay, I won" she yelled, when she smiled her cheeks looked chubby which made her look even cuter.

I rolled my eyes at her and took the phone from the stand. But she snatched it away from me.

"give it back to me!" I yelled and she cringed back.

"no, talk to me first" she started getting away.

"give it back to me" I followed her. And she got on the bed.

"first talk" she said.

"get off my bed Maria "

"Zain, will you talk to me?"

"okay fine"

She came down and handed me the phone which I abruptly took from her.

"Why did you not inform me that you were leaving?"

"why should I? Who are you to me?" she was taken aback with my statement.

"nevermind" she breathed.

I again started typing and she kept blabbering.

"Wanna watch a movie ?" she asked pouting.

" I have work" I raised my phone.

"ok then, let's do dinner?" she asked sitting by my side.

"What is your problem?"

"what?" she made an innocent face.

"Why do you care all of a sudden?" I asked keeping the phone down.

"isn't it normal that a wife cares for a husband?" she said coming closer.

"oh really? Then please me" I smirked and her eyes widened like soccer balls.

Let's play babe.

"What d-do yo-you mean?" she stutters.

"oh stop pretending, you know what I mean?" I wore off my coat and she stared at me with a ghost-like face.

Extremely amusing.

"stop" she said and stood up.

"I just started honey" I pushed her back on the bed.

"Zain stop" I nuzzled her neck. She pushed my chest and got off the bed.

"what? You wanted to care right?"

"Why do you behave like this Zain Qureshi? I will seriously kill you one day!" now she went way too far by taking my name in that offensive tone. I threw my phone on the floor and then in a nanosecond I pinned her against the wall, inhaling her from her neck. The scent of her skin was and hair was mind wrecking. I could sense the fear of running in her blood vessels.

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