Ch 4: Bumping Into Him

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Thursday night


Maria's POV

Finally, the weekend arrived. OK, fine half arrived. But I feel so relieved. Today my Classes went good and nothing special happened.

"Maria.... Maria" shouted my mom from the other room.

"yes ammu," I shouted yelled back.

" come here baby," she said.

" yes am... What do you need? I asked.

" baby we are invited to your uncle's house tomorrow at 11 in the morning be ready," he said.

" wait, what??!?! " I asked being shocked " which uncle?? " I added.

" Arre uncle Adam from 7th floor," she said calmly.

" But why are we going???? I don't want to go!!" I almost shouted.

" Maria no arguments. Your father told me about it that's why I'm informing you to be ready by 10.45. Am I clear?" she said sternly.

" fine," I said and locked myself in the room.

" what happened apu? " samara asked.

" hey, do you know that we are going to some uncle's house tomorrow?? " I asked.

" yh I'm super excited. Back there in Bangladesh, we get lots of invitations unlike here in  UAE. I mean I like UAE but I miss our family and cousins. What are you going to wear an apu?? " Samara said.

she is right. I mean I also miss my cousins and families and all those family gatherings but here it's different. But it'll be nice going to that uncle's house lets see what he is like after all he is an Arab. And I like Arabians. But my plan to sleep shit...
Oh, wait I can also sleep on Saturday... Thank God we have 2days off from school and work yesssss!!! Unlike Bangladesh Saturday to Thursday you have to work only Fridays you get to sleep and rest.


"yh? Sorry, what were you saying??"

"what will you wear?"

" I don't know.. Let me see... Just move Sami"

"Should I wear blue ??" she asked.

"I don't know Sami... It's your wish" and she rolled her eyes. "I mean wear whatever you want," I said.

"Maria... Maria" mom again shouted.

"coming," I said.

"yes ammu"

" Can you go and get some milk from the store real quick?? "she said.

" where is papa? "

" He went out for some work "

" what about that? "

" he is with his friends," he said." Just go "

" OK fine give me the money... "

I wore my jacket and covered my hair with a scarf loosely... I waited for the elevator to arrive. It finally came after waiting for 6 mins.

I dunno what's wrong with the elevators these days.

I went to the store and bought a 2-liter milk gallon as my mom said.

"ma'am it would be 10.50 days." the cashier with blonde hair said.

"here you go," I said.

"thank you. Have a great weekend"

Haha, great weekend... Let's see.

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