Ch33 : Who Is This She?

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"mama is it okay If I go out with Nia if you don't mind?" I asked nervously because this is my first time ever out with my friend after my marriage and I don't know how mama will react to it.

"of course, habibti. And I think you should go often, it's been two months since your marriage and you don't go out much. Sure, go" she said squeezing my shoulder.

"thank you" I smiled widely.

"anytime, now habibti can you please take this breakfast for Zain, he is in his study. Since yesterday he is working, I bet he is tired."

I debated with my thoughts whether I should say yes or no?

My last encounter with him was not really good though. In the morning also I didn't see him in his bed. Actually, I didn't see him for the morning onwards. It's like he was avoiding me. To be honest I should be the one ignoring him.

"uh sure" I said meekly.

Mama handed me the tray full of pancakes with honey and his black coffee.


I contemplated standing outside whether I should enter or not? Then something bad struck my mind. The last time I went in I saw them like really close. This time I don't wanna face that again.

But I made my heart and mind understand that what he does shouldn't bother me and it doesn't.

I took a deep breath and opened the gate slowly. While I prayed, that he doesn't shatter my trust again.

As I peeked in, I found Zain looking intently at the monitor and kinza working on her MacBook and after looking up they were staring at me. I quickly restrained my posture, stood straight, and entered the study.

I kept a poker face as if nothing happened yesterday.

"here you go, do you need anything else?" I asked Zain, placing the tray.

"no, send kinza's breakfast here too" the way her name rolled out of his tongue it just made my blood boil in hundred degree Celsius. But I needed to act mature that's what I reminded myself.

"what would you like to have kinza? Corn flakes, sandwiches, toast, pancakes? And for beverage tea or coffee?" I said in one breath putting a huge smile on my face that I could master.

Both stared at me for a while more like gawking at me with their awe faces.

" tea and sandwiches will be fine, Maria "

" yes, with some poison "I muttered under my breath.

" Sorry? " she asked raising her eyebrows.

" no nothing, I'll send them in " as I was about to turn, she called me again.

" and make sure that you put mint in the tea, please "

What? Did I just hear her right? Mint in her Tea? Are they going to kiss or what?

I felt my skin was burning now, as my blood rushed in full frequency.

I walked out of the room taking long steps making my slippers sound loud.

I informed maliha to make kinza's breakfast and went up to my room to change.

I wore denim jeans and a jacket with my white shirt. And my white scarf. Applied a bit of lipstick and perfume.
Wore my white sneakers and looked at the mirror.

I was looking really good. I was feeling young. I mean I was young but I was feeling like, I'm back to my college days before my marriage. My smile dropped thinking about that.

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