Ch 16 : Farewell

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Maria's POV

I'm officially zain's wife. We are married. And I thought that we should start our life anew. I know he did threaten me but he might change. And the fact that we are married now, I have to compromise and cooperate with him. We might work out. But why was he late? This question kept haunting me. Was he with someone?

My mother in law broke my chain of thoughts by entering the female's room.

"you are now my daughter in law. Welcome to the family" she said and kissed my forehead. Alisha also came to my said and hugged me.

"Welcome to our crazy family. Sister" she said. I smiled at both of them.

"we will be leaving in an hour" hearing this my smile died.

Ya Allah, I have to leave now.

"let me just check on Zain" his mother said and left. Alisha also went with her.

Then only my grandmother came and hugged.

God. I'm getting hugged by everyone.

We chatted for some time. And mom came in and said that it was time to leave. I stood up carefully and Nia and samara holding my long scarf attached with my dress.

I went out to where everyone was. I saw papa and hugged him. He kissed my forehead and I was sobbing. He tried so hard not to cry. But I saw tears in the corner of his eyes. Then I saw bhai and hugged him too "take care" he said. And one by one I hugged everyone.

" take care of yourself and our brother in law" Nia said to me in a teasing manner looking at samara.

" yes yes, I will" I said scrunching my nose.

"visit us often if you can, and don't forget us. I love you" Samara said and I hugged her crying.

At last, it was ammu. I went to her and asked, " won't you hug me?" I asked.

"Maria, are you happy?" she asked. And I wasn't sure what to say. I don't want to lie.

"Ammu obviously I'm not happy because I'm leaving. And if you're talking about my marriage, then I'm more than happy." I had to lie. I don't want to trouble them.

They all came to the door to drop me. Zain was walking beside me and I was sobbing. He was probably getting irritated but I can't help.

I saw a car decorated with red roses, which perfectly fitted the white Porsche car. I carefully got in, keeping in mind that I can't ruin my wedding dress. Zain helped me with my long dress. Zain got in the car too.

"you both go, we'll come with the other car after you" his mom said to Zain and me.

Oh God! Not again I don't want to stay with him alone.

"just don't go the bedroom immediately" Alisha said winking at us. I felt my cheeks getting hot. They are definitely red now.

I waved at my family one last time. Zain loosened his tie and started the engine. I looked back and my view was getting blurred because of the tears. Everyone was out of my sight now.

None of us spoke. Bit by bit Zain was increasing the speed of the car. That was scaring me. I didn't look at him. It was a long ride. I didn't even know where he was taking me.

Obviously his house Maria.

Soon a house came into my view. To be exact it was a mansion. A huge mansion. Four men were standing there with guns in their hands. The gate opened seeing his car. I remembered the day we went on our first date. And most probably the last. The car stopped in front of the mansion.

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