Ch 43 : My man Of Words

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Maria's POV

It's OK, it's alright, it was just a kiss.

Screw you, Maria.


But I have to admit he is a good kisser.

"Yeah, you got that yummy yum, that yummy yum" I heard someone sing, and I looked back, at Nia.

I knew what she meant.

"stop" I snarled.

"I'm a sucker for you!" she still kept signing.


"Vamos, Fiesta, I want you senorita, I'm gonna kiss on your body, short breath-"

"gripping the bedsheets" I completed in a bored tone.

"yeah girl, so you guys finally kissed, ha"

"Yeah I guess" I said turning away.

"Are you embarrassed?" she asked coming closer.

"maybe, a bit" I spoke slowly.

"you shouldn't be actually, he is your husband, it happens, well that's how you came into this world for your information" she rolled her eyes at the end.

"I thought I lost him"

"hey, stop it, he is fine now, you saw him with your own eyes, you kissed him with your own lips, girl you need to chill"

I hugged her because I needed to.

"Maria, you're having fever" Nia yelled placing her Palm on my forehead.

"I'm fine"

"fuck fine, now sit and don't move" she made me sit on the couch and brought a thermometer.

After checking me, she gasped.

"It's 101. 7"

"it's -"

"don't you dare say it's nothing, I'll make your soup, then take panadol"

" I have to check on zain"

"you know what Maria if I were a boy, I would never let you go" she said grinning.

"baas baas" I showed my hand. Even though I felt weak, I couldn't admit, she would make a fuss, and uselessly freak out.

"eat" she made me sit on the kitchen table. And made sure I took my medicines.

"I have to go, but I'll call you, and you call me when you need anything, okay?" she asked kissing my cheeks.

"Yeah, sure" I let out a weak voice.

"you really need to rest Maria"

"I will"


"I promise"

"OK, love you take care babe"

"I can drop you if you want me to" Tony said from behind. I smirked at him. And he was shy. Oh, God.

"umm sure" Nia said looking between me and him.

"Have a safe journey" I said to them, and when Nia turned away I winked at Tony.

I walked up to my room and found everyone circling around Zain when I went in his eyes shot up to me, his eyes had that look as if he was missing me. Awww.

"Zain, how are you feeling?" baba asked him.

"I'm fine baba"

"This is a vague answer, I need you, to be honest, can you walk?" baba said holding his shoulder.

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