Ch 44 : karma Is A Bitch

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Maria's POV

"cat?" Alisha said.

"dog?" Ashar narrated.

"a wolf?" Nia uttered.

"no guys, it's a penguin" I said making an 'it's easy' face.

"Maria, you suck at dumb charades  " Nia said throwing a pillow at me.

"no I don't, you guys can't guess it right"

"yeah right, okay now my turn"

"you guys play I'll check on Zain"

"yeah, your hubby is more important to you nowadays" Nia smirked.

I glared at her and we both burst into laughter.

It's been almost a week since Zain had his accident, and now his condition is better than before. And mine as well.

I walked up to the room and didn't bother to knock.

"Why are you on the laptop? " I gasped.

"what do you mean? I run a business which I have to take care of, for your information." he said getting back to typing.

I snatched his laptop away from him and placed it on the bedside table.


"Zain" I spoke in a demanding voice which kinda sounded seductive, I don't know why I did that but it was too late to take back my words.

I didn't mean to say that out loud.

"Uhm, uh, come let's go for a walk" I offered, basically to change the topic.

"now? 1.30 on a Wednesday ?" he asked pointing at the clock.

"yeah, any problem?"

"uh, no. but I - um okay" he said raking his fingers through his hair.

"come I'll help you to the washroom" I said holding his shoulder.

"you don't have to, I'm not that weak, okay"


When he went to the washroom, I also went into the changing room. I wore a red velvet trench coat, with white jeans and a Levi t-shirt, my white scarf and my white sneakers. I looked at the mirror, satisfied with my dress, I applied mascara and my gloss.

I went downstairs and found everyone giggling.

"what is it?" I asked.

"nothing, just jamming" said Nia showing enthusiasm.

"oh, I see"

"bruh you're fun, we should hang out often" said Ashar punching her shoulder. He just bro-zoned her.

"I don't mind" she bumped her shoulder with his.

"anyways, you guys have fun, I'm going out for a walk with zain"

"walk or date?" Alisha raised her eyebrows.

"walk" I made it clear for them by saying it out loud.

"uh, what? A date?" she acted like she didn't listen.

"whatever" I rolled my eyes.

Soon zain's voice coming from behind made me look at him.

"yeah, fix a meeting tomorrow at 11" he said and ended the call.

Oh my!

He wore a black leather jacket, black jeans, and a white shirt keeping the upper buttons open. His hair was purposely kept down. And he looked deliciously handsome, it's kinda rare to see him in casuals. And it was damn hard to keep myself away from his face.

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