Ch 50 : Eiffel Tower

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Maria's POV

Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw a hand blocking the sun. I followed the arm and it was Zain, laying down the bed next to me.

He had a smile on his face as he watched me sleep. I chuckled and looked away.

"Good morning" he kissed my forehead and smiled at me. His smile was so warm that it could melt any body's heart.

"Good morning" I said, not facing him. His face slowly made its way to mine. I quickly sat up, covering myself with the blanket.

This isn't a movie where the guy won't mind my morning breath. Even though it's not that bad, but it's still disgusting.

"What happened?" he asked as he got up, showing off his bare chest. Why does he sleep shirtless?

"Nothing" I replied and smiled at him.

"Then why won't you let me kiss you?" he asked and I nervously smile.

"Really?" I asked. "it's not that" I replied and looked at the clock and it was 8 in the morning.

"Allah" I mumbled and roll out of the bed. I tie my hair in a bun and quickly get in the washroom. After brushing, showering, and dressing up, I slowly made my way to the bedroom, but I stopped on my way as I heard the doorbell rang.

"room service" the lady yelled.

I looked at the mirror, covered my hair, and peeped through the peephole. It was actually the room servants. I opened the door and let her in.

After cleaning she left and soon our breakfast was also brought. Soon Zain also came and sat on the dining table for two.

"hey" he breathed.

"hey" I smiled.

"let's eat, I'm starving"


"Zain, can we please take a walk to the Eiffel tower? Please, please, please, just skip work for today" I asked making my best puppy eyes.

He looked at me and then finally gave in. "fine"

Point to be noted: puppy eye works.

"yes" I yelled clapping my hands.


We took a walk along with the Eiffel tower, exploring the place. It was lavish and beautiful which words couldn't describe.

"you like it?" he asked.

"I love it" I said.

My best date was my first date with my husband. We went to a movie before dinner, which was fun because we could talk about the movie at dinner, no awkward silences! Funnily enough, we ended up seeing The Lives of Others, an intense foreign film, which was basically the opposite of a romantic comedy, but it definitely got our hearts pounding. Then we went to dinner at a pretty restaurant.

It was a simple but a lovely date and I definitely recommend the whole movie-then-dinner thing.

"So who's your favorite actress?" I asked.

"uh..." he exaggerated the uh. And then finally said " my favorite was Margot Robbie and now Jennifer Lawrence"

"oh yeah?"

"yeah" we walked hand in hand. Basically, we took the whole day exploring the city.

"Which of your parents are you most like?" he asked.

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