Ch 17 : Pain

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Zain's POV

Something felt wrong touching her like that. When I kiss others I don't feel anything, but Maria, it's totally different.

I left her. And drove to the hospital. It was dark outside as it was 1 am. But the hospitals are always open 24/7.

I went to the reception desk. There was a lady sitting and going through some files.

"I'm here to meet Zoya Qureshi's doctor." I said.

"let me check" she said, looking at the monitor. she then dialed a number.

" doctor, someone is here to meet you"

" doctor fatura is in room number 702, 7th floor " she said and I nodded.

I went upstairs using the elevator. When I came across room 702, I knocked on the door.

"come in". I went in and saw a lady who was in her 50's, wearing glasses that were hanging low at the edge of her nose.

"Ah-Zain come sit"

"doctor fatura, how are you?" I asked her kissing her both cheeks and hugging in order to show affection. This is something Arabs do when they meet someone dear.

"Alhamdullilah, I'm fine. What about you? I heard that today was your wedding? How is your new wife?"
Maria's name is enough to raise my temper.

" She is fine, me too" I said and sat there being silent. She also started typing something on her computer.

It was getting awkward so I asked her " how is she?"

"you will be happy to hear that she is recovering now"

" what? Are you serious?"

"do I look like I'm joking?" she said pointing at her face.

"oh OK, can I see her?"

"yeah, you can. but not for too long"

"OK, that will do"

"come then" she took me out of her room and went to the 15th floor which was the highest floor of this building. That floor was especially for Zoya. Before going in, she made me wear gloves and a mask.

When I went in, there was a nurse checking on her. She was lying in bed. Syringes were injected in her right hand. And so many other things. She was covered with the hospital blanket. Her eyes were closed. There was a monitor right beside her which showed her heartbeat, pressure and other stuff which I couldn't understand.

" everything is normal, now only she needs to wake up" doctor fatura said sitting on the sofa.

"it's been 4 years doctor" I said.

" I know, and she is still in a coma. Normally people don't stay in a coma for long, they either uh...... die or recover. But I have to admit she is strong."

"yes, she has to be. After all, she has Qureshi's blood in her body" I let out a weak laugh. And doctor fatura came to my said and patted my shoulder.

" she'll be fine. In Shah Allah" I nodded. " 5 minutes" she said and left.

I caressed her hair. And I saw that the marks on her temple were now vanishing. Then I covered her perfectly with the blanket "get well soon." I knew she couldn't talk, but a part of me says that she can listen to me.

I went out and saw doctor fatura talking over the phone. I didn't talk but was making gestures with my hands that I was leaving and she nodded.

I drove back home and went in with the back door. I went to my room and saw that she was lying on the floor, shivering. I went to the wardrobe and took out a blanket, covered her body with it. When I went near, I saw that she was crying but was asleep. Her face was red and her neck was having marks. All because of me. I went to the study and did some work to stop myself from thinking about her.

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