Ch 18: Pretending

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Maria's POV

When Zain went out for his work. I also took the time to explore his house, which is now my house as well, anyways.

"Alisha, do you mind being my guide, and give me a tour ?"

"Sure I'd love too"

I know what is the third floor like, so Alisha took me to the second floor where there were three rooms, one for mama and baba, two others for Alisha and ashar. The first floor has the dining area, drawing hall, a door that leads to the backyard. With the backyard, there is a swimming pool.

Omg!! A freaking swimming pool?

" We can swim in the summers here! " Alisha said.

" sure"

She then took me downstairs which was underground. There they had a gym and a theatre.

"you guys have a theatre in your home?" I asked awestruck.


"that's so cool! You do guys even watch anything, or is it just for show?"

"We do, the last time we saw avengers endgame here, me Zain and ashar. That was quite fun"

Ah..!! So Mr. Beast likes avengers.

" oh"

we went to the drawing-room and mama told me that tomorrow was my reception party, so I had to select jewelry and dresses. I was so excited that I'll again get to meet my family and friends.

The designer came and showed me some expensive dresses. 4 hours passed selecting what to wear for tomorrow. I liked every dress the designer showed, but Alisha and mama don't like them. Finally, we selected a pink gown that was designed with golden gems and the borders were also golden. The sleeves were made of net. I wore that dress and came out. Mama and Alisha both liked it. I looked at myself in the mirror and the dress hugged me in the right places.

"This is final," said mama clapping her hands.

Awww. She is so sweet.

"now the jewelry" mama said going to the wardrobe and taking out some.
That's when Ashar came and hopped on the bed like he owns the place. He kinda does, because it's his mother's room. He lay there turning on his right side, with the support of his arm, the phone is his hand.

"so what are you guys doing?" he asked.

" checking jewelry" said Alisha, making faces.

Mama showed me a bracelet which was so beautiful. I kept looking at it.

" you like it?"

" mama I love it"

" it's yours then"

" thank you"

She came and held my cheeks in her hands. " I believe that you can change my son, he has forgotten how to laugh, after what happened years ago. You can do that, can't you?" she asked me all of a sudden, I didn't know what to say so I just nodded.

" May Allah bless you and your relationship" she kissed my forehead and went out.

What was she talking about? And what happened years ago?

"ahm" fake coughed ashar. I looked around and saw Ashar and Alisha smirking.

" what happened?"

" nothing. come let's go to the TV area and watch something." Ashar said dragging me downstairs.

We three went downstairs and Ashar started the tv. He kept changing channels and at last, he kept the channels that were broadcasting the main event of WWE. After watching for some time. Ashar asked" do you have a boyfriend? "  and with that, I looked up at them, Alisha smirking and Ashar raising his eyebrows.

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