Ch 12 : Preparation

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Zain's POV

Since when did I turn this evil I kept on asking myself. I have never thought of killing anyone ever in my life. But what she did to me was forcing me to hurt her. We had a happy family. We four siblings and our parents. But she ruined my life after that accident. she is responsible for this.

I don't know why the fuck I kissed Susan. But I wanted to hurt Maria. No doubt Susan was loving it. She has always tried to get in my pants. But I always ignored her. Just because she is my dealer's sister I'm tolerating her. Otherwise, I would have kicked her out of my company years back.

I went home and entered my study. I turned on my MacBook and started making some presentations.

I heard a knock on the door.

"Hal yumkinunid dukhul? (may I come in?)" it was mama.

"Ta'al (come in)" I shouted back.

"Habibi ( dear) what are you doing?" mama asked.

"working" I said pointing at the laptop.

"so I went to her house" she said sitting on the chair across my table.

"who's?" I asked confused.

"Maria's" mama said in a duh tone.

"oh ok so what?" I frowned.

" Her mother is so nice and welcoming but she was completely unaware of it" she started.

"ya it's obvious. None of her family members knows about it" I said side smiling. Then I saw that she wasn't quite happy about it.

"firstly her mother was a bit confused about who I was but then I told her that Adam is my brother. I don't think she has any problem with this marriage because they all know adam really well and whereas Adam is my brother she is more than happy with this marriage. She agreed as well. Now only Maria has to say yes then we can finalize the wedding date." mama said excitedly.

" don't worry mama. She'll agree. " I smirked.

"Okay, Habibi now go to sleep. "mama ran her fingers through my hair, kissed my forehead, and left.

I checked the time it was 12.45 am. I decided to do the works tomorrow as it's the weekend and I won't go to work.
I wore my boxers and slip into my duvet.


11:00 am

I woke up because I felt like I was on a rollercoaster. But it was someone jumping on my bed.

"argh get off my bed " I shouted.

"Zain Zain Zain she said yes" Alisha shouted making my ears bleed.

"now zain won't be able to wait for the wedding ." Ashar teased.

"what are you both talking about?" I get up rubbing my eyes.

"uffo" Alisha groaned.

"bro! Maria said yes." Ashar said.

"oh." I said.

"oh? That's what you say oh? Your bride said yes and you're giving such a cold reaction." Alisha rolled her eyes.

"so what am I supposed to do? Jump like a maniac?" I asked being irritated.

"yes" Ashar said.

"get out you both before I kick your asses." I yelled.

"yallah get out" mama said. "don't disturb my son" coming in.

"mama when is the wedding?" Alisha asked like a 4-year-old asking for chocolates.

"by the end of this year" mama said.

"no. By the end of this month" I nonchalantly said.

"What?!?" said the three.

"you heard me right. by the end of this month." I repeated.

"but it's not possible. It's really soon habibi. Even If we agree what about the bride's family?" mama said.

"mama trust me. It will be alright. I'll take care of the arrangements. Even the bride's family won't suffer. It's my responsibility." I assured.

"OK. but today you'll take Maria out for lunch okay?" mama asked and I nodded. With that mama left.

"aha someone's being impatient" Alisha said looking everywhere but me in a teasing manner.

"get out you both right now" I glared at both of them.


Maria's POV

I woke with the news that my wedding is at the end of this month.

Wow. Just wow.

That means two weeks left for my wedding. For my freedom. And I'm completely confused. Should I run away? No I can't do that because I'm not a coward.

"Maria, get up. Go get fresh then we have to go shoppin....what happened?" ammu came closer noticing my state.

"Are you crying? Why? " Ammu asked.

"no, I'm just sad. That I'll leave you all" I sobbed.

"aww, honey. One day everyone has to leave. Even I came to your dad's house. That's how you came to this world. This is the rule right?"

"yea" I managed to stand on my feet.

"Now go get ready."

Only if you knew ammu. Then you wouldn't let me go into that hell. I wasn't emotionally stable yet.

I was crying on every little thing, even while twisting the bathroom knob that wasn't opening. I felt so weak. My eyes were swollen and my muscles were aching now.

After freshening up, I went to the dining area. There I only had mom. All others left . I took my seat and ammu rushed to my side and caressed my hair.

"Are you okay?" Ammu asked.

"Ammu can we please not talk about this now?" I asked her with my new found broken voice.

"Sure baby. I'll get your breakfast."

Everything tastes so tasteless in my mouth. after having two bites of my bread and butter, I moved my plate away. When I looked at mom she kept on looking at me intently.

"you should get ready slowly. Zain will come to take you for lunch"

"take me what!?!?" I almost choked.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you. But Zain is coming. He'll take you for lunch"

Saying anything was useless so I kept quiet and nodded.

"Maria. He is a really nice guy. Very educated and mannered. Don't do anything that might be insulting to him okay?? Ammu asked me after praising him so much.

" I know that ammu, he is a very respected and a very rich man. Don't worry I won't do anything insulting to him." with that I left the dining area and went directly to my room.

I looked at myself in the mirror. There were dark circles under my eyes. My eyes were shrunken and my face was as pale as a ghost. I had to hide all these before meeting him. I don't want him to get any impression that I don't want to marry him.

Hey guys!!! Am back!!
Hope you guys like this chapter. Vote share and comment. Love you.
Stay blessed.

And I left a clue at the beginning of this chapter. If you get it and find out who is the reason behind zain's revenge then comment!!!!!! 😉😉😉😉 😉

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