Ch 34 : Traitor

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Zain's POV

"But mama how can you let her go?" I yelled at her and she was shocked.

"what do you mean? She has the right to go wherever she wants to, and you don't take her out whatsoever, then why not she hangs out with her friends." mama said defending Maria.

"who did she go out with?" I asked raising my brows.

"her friend, Nia," mama said.

Lie. I know she went to meet a guy.

I walked up to my room and got ready for the office. When I went out of the mansion, I saw the driver but not the car.

"Why are you here? You are supposed to go with Maria" I yelled at him.

"Sir, ma'am told me that she wanted to drive." he said looking down.

" And you let her go like that? How irresponsible, you're here to work. That's your duty"

"Pardon me, sir"

I sighed and started the engine. And kinza came running to me.

"Sir, can I come with you?" she asked holding the door.

I nodded.

I drove to the office and went to my cabin while going up everyone went back to their work as they saw me approaching.

Go to hell Maria.

I called Tony through the intercom and left a voice " come in my cabin "

After 20 mins also he didn't come and I impatiently waited for him.

I heard a knock on the door and thinking it would be Tony I yelled a come in.

But it was an employee.

"Sir the conference starts in 10 mins." he said and I nodded.

"make sure everything is working and keep the projector ready, now leave" I explained to him and he nodded.

I dialed Tony's number and he picked up the call after many rings.

"Hello brother!!" he said excitedly. And this excitement is a bit fishy.

"where are you?" I asked him and there was a moment of silence.

"on a date" he said in a confused tone.

"now?" I asked quizzically.

"yep" he said popping the p.

"anyways, I need your help. Hack Maria's phone." I said.

There was again a moment of silence.

I heard him getting off the chair and walking somewhere. Now there was not much noise.

"why?" he asked.

"because I want it to be"

"Zain, explain it to me, then only I will do it"

"She is missing since morning, then mama says that she is out with her friend. But I don't think so"

"do you know so?"

"what are you saying?"

"did you even try calling her Zain? She really might be with her friend. OK who do you think she is with?" he asked smartly making me confused.

"her boyfriend probably" this made my anger boil.

"c'mon, how can you think so low about her? She is your wife for God's sake. Trust her for once"

"Tony, what are you high on? We are talking about Maria. She nearly killed my sister. And why are you so sure that she is with Nia?"

"uh- because I saw her Instagram post just now" he said after a few seconds.

"you follow her?"

"dude I'm not a stalker, it's just insta. Check it out now!" he said.

"I don't follow her" I said.

"um OK I'll give you a screenshot, now bye"

After 2 mins Tony whatsapped me a picture of her.

So she is really with her.

I let out a sigh of relief. I went to the conference room.

Maria's POV

"thank you so much, Tony, what would I do without you!" I was so thankful.

"Nah, not a big deal" he said twitching his brows.

"So what's her name?" I asked.

"I really don't know, I have her number with that I can hack her address and we can go there, sounds good?" he asked.

"sounds like an adventure" Nia giggled and I nodded.

After 5 mins Tony yelled that he got the address.

"get in the car now"

We drove to the address and it was a really quiet place.

The car came to a halt in front of a small house, more like a hut.

"What is this? Jerry's house?" Nia joked.

I glared at her but Tony stared at her.

"Ahem!" I cleared my throat.

"let's go" tiny said.

I walked up to the door. I stood there for a couple of mins minutes. After gathering so much strength I  rang the doorbell waiting to see the person. After 2 more rings, the gate opened, and saying I was shocked would be an understatement. I was more than shocked. I felt cheated seeing the woman in front of me. She broke my promise.

"aunty?" my voice choked out.

"Maria?" she said in her weak voice.

"come in" she said. Nia and I exchanged glances but Tony was clueless.

"you guys know her ?" tony whispered to Nia.

"aunty, you have met Tony before right?" I asked and sweats started coming out from her temple.

She nodded being ashamed.

"and you lied to him?" I quizzed in aversion.

"no!" she defended herself.

"you're again lying! You knew exactly what happened that day! You knew it all! Then how could you lie? How?" I yelled breaking down.

"I'm sorry, I really am. The greed for money made me blind" she said between sobs " I needed money to save my son, he was suffering from cancer, I needed money, my child. That's why I lied"

"by ruining my life you get happiness. Wow!! you're such a Traitor. " I said in pure disgust.

"no I didn't get any happiness, even after so many treatments my son didn't survive" she, said looking at the picture hanged on the wall. It was a teen boy.

"Oh. I'm so sorry" I said feeling guilty.

"no my child I'm sorry" she said hugging me. I gestured nia to bring water. She handed it to aunty.

"who gave you the money?"

After asking the question she looked more nervous.

"aunty, I'm asking you something" I said.

"Please don't lie to me, I need your answer to save my marriage." I begged.

"br-- Brittany"

After hearing her words I sat on the sofa baffled. Not even a tear escaped my eyes. I felt as if someone kept a heavy stone in my heart. My throat dried and it was even hard for me to gulp down. I took deep breaths in and it made me gasp, slowly my voice broke in a cry and then what I knew was tear running down my eyes in a stream.

I know guys it's a short chapter but you will get an update today!!!

Loads of love!!!

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